- The soldier told us where the firing mechanism of a rifle is. 那個(gè)士兵告訴我們哪兒是步槍的擊發(fā)裝置。
- Where the fire started was a complete mystery. 那兒開(kāi)始著(zhù)火完全是個(gè)迷。
- Where the addressee is in prison, the service shall be effected via the prison or reform-through-labor unit where he stays. 受送達人是被監禁的,通過(guò)其所在監所或者勞動(dòng)改造單位轉交。
- Unformatted or unstructured data are presented in a unit where the content cannot be retrieved by accessing any structural detail. 當把非格式化的或非結構化的數據存儲在一個(gè)單元中時(shí),其內容是不能通過(guò)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)任何結構細節來(lái)檢索。
- My car broke down on my way to the village where the fire broke out. 我的車(chē)在去發(fā)生火災的村子的路上拋錨了。
- The combustibility of the sample is confirmed,the factors that affect its combustibility are analyzed.And it forecasts that the sediment will make the fire occur and spread. 近二十年來(lái),隨著(zhù)社會(huì )的發(fā)展和科技的進(jìn)步,通風(fēng)空調系統在現代建筑中的應用越來(lái)越普及。
- That's where the real danger lies. 這正是真正的危險所在。
- Often the fires occur in hotels and are caused by people smoking in bed. 這類(lèi)火災常常發(fā)生在旅館里,而且常常是由人們躺在床上吸煙而引起的。
- Where the person concerned is a citizen, the unit where he works or the basic organization at the place of the house or land shall send people to take part in the forcible execution. 被執行人是公民的,其工作單位或者房屋、土地所在地的基層組織應當派人參加。
- The kettle was boiling away merrily on the fire. 壺水燒開(kāi)了咕嘟咕嘟地滾泡。
- Pending the classification of the secret, the state organ or unit where the matter has arisen shall initially take security measures in conformity with the category proposed for its classification. 在確定密級前,產(chǎn)生該事項的機關(guān)、單位應當按照擬定的密級,先行采取保密措施。
- A crowd gathered at the scene of the fire. 許多人聚集在火災現場(chǎng)。
- I know where the picturesque old-world village is. 我知道那個(gè)風(fēng)景如畫(huà)的古老村寨在哪兒。
- The fire blazed up when he poured petrol on it. 他澆上汽油火就熊熊地燃燒起來(lái)了。
- If a fire breaks out, first break the glass to sound the fire alarm, then dial 119 and report where the fire is. 如果發(fā)生火災,首先打破玻璃,弄響報警器,然后撥119,報告火災發(fā)生的地點(diǎn)。
- To regenerate data in storage units where the process of reading data results in its destruction. 重新恢復數據,即對存儲單元中因讀取數據而造成的數據破壞進(jìn)行恢復。
- The fire cracker went off and scared Jack's dog. 爆竹爆炸聲把杰克的狗嚇了一跳。
- She curled up in front of the fire with a book. 她蜷曲在爐火前看書(shū)。
- The soldier told me where the firing mechanism of a rifle was. 那個(gè)士兵告訴了我步槍開(kāi)槍裝置的位置。
- The rug singed because it was too near the fire. 地毯太靠近壁爐已烤焦了。