- For this reason it is often convenient to overlay the geochemical map with a geological map transparency. 由于這個(gè)緣故,最好用透明的地質(zhì)圖蒙在地球化學(xué)圖上。
- Fig. 1 Geological map of the Sulu region and the location of the Chinese continental drilling site(modified from reference[ 8 ]). 圖1蘇魯連云港地區的構造與大陸科學(xué)鉆探孔區位置圖(據文獻[8]簡(jiǎn)化).
- Zunyi in Guizhou in 1940 to carry out geological work, etc., finish drawing the ancient site of China's first geological map. 1940年在貴州遵義等地開(kāi)展地質(zhì)工作,繪制完成我國第一幅古地質(zhì)圖。
- This site features GSSR and provides general information about the profile, activities and organization.An interactive geological map of Slowakia is contained. 該站點(diǎn)以斯咯伐克共和國地質(zhì)調查局有特色,提供了相關(guān)概括信息、活動(dòng)安排、組織機構等介紹。
- This paper explains the technique and method of MAPGIS in plotting geological map,and proposes some measures for improving further the quality of map plotting. 本文主要敘述MAPGIS在地學(xué)制圖上的技術(shù)和方法,同時(shí),提出進(jìn)一步提高地學(xué)圖制圖質(zhì)量的措施和途徑。
- As exemplified by resources prediction of gold and polymetals in Mian Lue Nin region, Shanxi province in China, it illustrates how to apply geological map information for... 文中以陜西勉略寧地區金及多金屬的資源預測為實(shí)例,說(shuō)明如何利用地質(zhì)圖信息進(jìn)行空間思維與數字思維,從而實(shí)現區域資源潛力的快速評價(jià),最后給出該區域資源潛力的分布圖。
- In recent years, new demands are needed urgently on mathematics fundament of geological map with the application of global positioning system (GPS) in uranium geological exploration. 近年來(lái),隨著(zhù)全球衛星定位系統(GPS)在鈾礦地質(zhì)勘測中的應用,對地質(zhì)圖的數學(xué)基礎方面提出了新的要求。
- The orefield structures of the Leqingla lead-zinc deposit in Lhunzhub, Xizang are examined on the basis of 1:50 000 Geological Map and geological engineering, geophysical and geochemical prospecting. 摘要通過(guò)1:5000礦區地質(zhì)填圖、5500立方公尺的山地工程揭露和物化探工作,基本查明了勒青拉鉛鋅礦床的控礦構造。
- The metamorphosed and deformed tonalites are distinguished from the Archaean metamorphic strata (Jiaodong Group) by geological mapping(maP scale 1:50000)in the Qixia area. 通過(guò)1:5萬(wàn)棲霞幅地質(zhì)填圖,在太古界膠東群變質(zhì)地層中劃分出了經(jīng)過(guò)變質(zhì)變形的英云閃長(cháng)巖體。
- Subsequent discoverjes were made by geological mapping and low-level airborne radiometric surveys. 地質(zhì)填圖和低空放射性航測又繼續探明了一批礦點(diǎn)。
- Chengdu Institute of Geology and mineral, CAGS.1988. Geological map of Qinghai-Tibet Platean and vicinity [Z].Geological Publishing House, Beijing (in Chinese). 中國地質(zhì)科學(xué)院成都地質(zhì)礦產(chǎn)研究所.;1988
- Subsequent discoveries were made by geological mapping and low-level airborne radiometric surveys. 地質(zhì)填圖和低空放射性航測又繼續探明了一批礦點(diǎn)。
- Their geological mapping was rarely found to be faulty by subsequent investigators. 他們地理測繪很少會(huì )被后續調查證實(shí)有任何誤差。
- Here DEM data were produced by digitizing the contour line.Geology data were got from geology map. 最后利用相關(guān)分析法,圖解分析,比較分析等方法對實(shí)驗結果進(jìn)行了探討分析。
- Recently they have laid an underground pipeline. 最近他們鋪設了一條地下管道。
- This artical describes briefly an expert system for geological mapping using the data of the aeromagnetic survey and the aeroradioactive survey. 本文簡(jiǎn)述了利用航空磁測和航空放射性測量的資料,進(jìn)行地質(zhì)填圖的一個(gè)專(zhuān)家系統。
- I wonder if I could have an underground map. 能給我一張地鐵運行圖嗎?
- The resulting 3D GIS framework enables geologists to manipulate, analyse and interpret 3d geomodels analogously as they work with 2d geological maps. 研究成果顯示,研提之三維GIS架構將能提供使用者在圖資的判讀上,如同二維地質(zhì)圖分析一樣容易。
- The missile is delivered from underground. 這種導彈由地下發(fā)射。
- Volcanic Rock Geological Map of China 中國火山巖地質(zhì)圖