- 在晶體管(transistor)發(fā)明以前,三極檢波管是所有收音機、電話(huà)、電視機和計算機系統的基本組件。"The Audion became the key component of all radio, telephone, radar, television, and computer systems before the invention of the transistor."
- 進(jìn)一步提出一種類(lèi)似于DPL(Double Pass-Transistor Logic)結構的靜態(tài)和動(dòng)態(tài)電壓型CMOS三值電路設計方案。Furthermore, a static and dynamic voltage-mode CMOS ternary circuit design scheme similar to the DPL (Double Pass-Transistor Logic) structure has been presented.
- 為了實(shí)現動(dòng)態(tài)的全息顯示,本文研究了基于TFT-LCD(Thin-film-transistor LiquidCrystal Display)再現的計算全息。To achieve dynamic holography display, this paper studies the reconstruction of CGH (Computer-Generated H ologram) based on TFT-LCD (Thin-film-transistor Liquid Crystal Display).
- 美國貝爾實(shí)驗室(Bell Labs)的威廉蕭克理(William Shockley)在1949年發(fā)明了晶體管(Transistor),從此開(kāi)啟了半導體產(chǎn)業(yè)的大門(mén),也改變了世界。William Shockley in Bell Labs invented the transistor in 1949, opened the semiconductor industrial door from that time on, and also changed the world.