- Bold: Typographic term for a heavier than standard weight of a type face. 黑體:印刷字體學(xué)的名詞,指筆劃較標準的字體為粗的字體。
- To find out the characters per pica of a type face at a particular type size copyfitting tables are available for this purpose. 要找出某一字體在某字大小下;每派卡的字符數量;可以查閱[配稿字數表].
- The clarity of an image, its similarity of geometry of printed characters to the shape of the original type face used as guides. 圖象的清晰程度,即印出的字符的幾何形狀與作為標準的原字型的相象程度。
- What important component design It both such as bisected final type face and runner embodies. 最后對分型面和流道等重要部件的設計都有所體現。
- The clarity of an image,its similarity of geometry of printed characters to the shape of the original type face used as guides. 圖象的清晰程度,即印出的字符的幾何形狀與作為標準的原字型的相象程度。
- ALso called Descender space. (2) In American typographic term, it is the sloping part between the type face and the shoulder of a type. (2)斜邊是美國印刷字體學(xué)的名詞。指字面和字肩的傾斜表面。
- Recently? our country livestock husbandry development quick? head for gradually the industry turn? increasing the way be put by traditional expand production type face modern intensive type change. 目前,我國畜牧業(yè)發(fā)展迅速,逐步走向產(chǎn)業(yè)化,增長(cháng)方式由傳統的粗放型向現代的集約型轉變。
- In an attempt to acquire two Dragon Balls, our hero infiltrates the army's lair, where he must face Commander Red and his diabolical legion of soldiers. 為了奪回另外兩顆龍珠,我們的小英雄沖進(jìn)了敵人的老巢,在那兒,他將面對黑元帥和他的魔鬼軍團。
- The elderly and other sight-impaired users require larger and more readable type faces. 圖7-3 視覺(jué)語(yǔ)言研究被用來(lái)探索不同的抽象于且有些獨立于交互設計的視覺(jué)風(fēng)格。
- Defines a group of type faces having a similar basic design and certain variations in styles. 定義有著(zhù)相似的基本設計但在形式上有某些差異的一組字樣。
- A complete set of type of one size and face. 一副活字一整套同樣尺寸和型號的活字模
- Let the designer know the evaluation criteria for a successful design; for example,"the design must be very readable, easy to see in bad light and use only standard type faces. 讓設計師知道一個(gè)好的設計的評判標準,比如“設計必需要有很多的可讀性,只使用標準字體”。
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷機上可拆卸的打印部件。
- You can type in the command with a keyboard. 你可以用鍵盤(pán)輸入命令。
- Do you type the letter or take a rest? 你打信呢,還是休息呢?
- The headwords in this dictionary are in bold type. 本詞典的詞條用的是粗體字。
- He devises a new type of transistor. 他發(fā)明了一種新的晶體管。
- This type of bulb screws into the socket. 這種燈是擰到燈座上的。
- In the Command text box, type the program name. 在“命令”文本框中,鍵入程序名。
- Type Exit to close the command prompt. 鍵入Exit以關(guān)閉命令提示符。