- When the two terminal relays of the line act, action information can be transmitted to each other immediately. 兩側保護有動(dòng)作時(shí),通過(guò)公用電話(huà)網(wǎng)互傳 保護動(dòng)作信息,線(xiàn)路兩側試驗系統根據兩側保護的動(dòng)作情況送出相應于保護動(dòng)作后的兩側電 流。
- The path is not complete until its two terminals are joined. 直到兩個(gè)端點(diǎn)接在一起,電路才是完整的。
- Your frame relay network uses DLCI information on each of the PVC's. What is the purpose of them? 你的幀中繼網(wǎng)絡(luò )在每一個(gè)PVC連接上使用DLCI信息,這是何意?
- Unlike PVCs,with SVCs,users are able to dynamically allocate the virtual circuit between an arbitrary pair of endpoints on a frame relay network. 利用SVC與利用PVC不一樣,用戶(hù)能在幀中繼網(wǎng)中任意一對的端點(diǎn)之間動(dòng)態(tài)分配虛擬電路。
- symmetrical two terminal pair network 對移四端網(wǎng)絡(luò )
- PVCs are the underpinnings of today's frame relay networks. pvc是當今幀中繼網(wǎng)的基矗
- A headquarters with T-1 accessing a frame relay network can communicate securely with remote offices that use 56K and 64K bit/sec connections. 公司總部以T-1線(xiàn)路進(jìn)入幀中繼網(wǎng),能與使用每秒56K和64K位連接線(xiàn)路的遠地辦公室進(jìn)行安全通信。
- Unlike PVCs, with SVCs, users are able to dynamically allocate the virtual circuit between an arbitrary pair of endpoints on a frame relay network. 利用SVC與利用PVC不一樣,用戶(hù)能在幀中繼網(wǎng)中任意一對的端點(diǎn)之間動(dòng)態(tài)分配虛擬電路。
- DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier ( DLCI) is a unique number assigned to a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) end point in a frame relay network. 本策略的目的使為了定義任何外部主機連接到企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡(luò )的標準。這些標準是為了使非授權使用企業(yè)資源造成的損害及相應的企業(yè)信息暴露最小化。
- DLCI identifies a particular PVC endpoint within a user's access channel in a frame relay network, and has local significance only to that channel. 損害包括企業(yè)機密性數據的喪失,知識產(chǎn)權的侵犯,公眾信息的破壞,以及企業(yè)內部系統的破壞等。
- We prove that AIPO_4-CJ has layer-structure,the molar ratio of P/Al of the framework is equal to 2,and the P atom ofthe framework has two terminal oxygens by X-ray powder diffraction and four-circleX-ray diffraction. 經(jīng)多晶 X 射線(xiàn)衍射;四圓單晶 X 射線(xiàn)結構測定;其骨架 P 與 Al 原子比等于2;骨架 P 原子上有兩個(gè)端基氧.
- Two terminal cancer patients with mechanical ventilation were transferred to our hospice ward after June 2002, both patients' consciousness were in a drowsy state.Their family also asked for DMV. 同年6月之后,亦有兩位癌末病人轉入安寧病房,但是他們已陷入昏迷狀態(tài)。
- When SVCs are paired with devices implementing Frame Relay Network-to-Network SVC Implementation Agreement (FRF.10) technology,users can connect virtual circuits between endpoints that are not on the same frame relay network. 當SVC與實(shí)現幀中繼網(wǎng)至網(wǎng)SVC實(shí)現協(xié)議(FRF.;10)技術(shù)的設備配合使用時(shí),用戶(hù)可以連接不在同一幀中繼網(wǎng)上的端點(diǎn)之間的虛擬電路。
- When SVCs are paired with devices implementing Frame Relay Network-to-Network SVC Implementation Agreement (FRF.10) technology, users can connect virtual circuits between endpoints that are not on the same frame relay network. 當svc與實(shí)現幀中繼網(wǎng)至網(wǎng)svc實(shí)現協(xié)議(FRF.;10)技術(shù)的設備配合使用時(shí),用戶(hù)可以連接不在同一幀中繼網(wǎng)上的端點(diǎn)之間的虛擬電路。
- In a network, a route between any two nodes. 網(wǎng)絡(luò )中任意兩個(gè)網(wǎng)點(diǎn)之間的一段路由。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 這兩種政體正好相反。
- As one of the initiators of the international soft-switch consortium, UTStarcom has successfully applied the softswitch technology into its PAS system, IP bypass and long-distance IP relay network. UT斯達康作為國際軟交換組織的發(fā)起人之一,已將軟交換技術(shù)成功的應用于PAS無(wú)線(xiàn)市話(huà)系統、IP旁路和長(cháng)途IP中繼網(wǎng)絡(luò )。
- The business is owned by two partners. 這家商行為兩名合伙人所擁有。
- FRF.10 SVC defines how frame relay equipment should establish and terminate SVCs between frame relay networks. FRF.;10 SVC定義在不同幀中繼網(wǎng)之間建立和中止SVC。
- Considering the characteristics of shunt reactors, this paper proposes an accurate fault location algorithm based on differential sequence component network, which only uses the currents at two terminals of a transmission line. 采用基于反序網(wǎng)的雙端量算法進(jìn)行故障測距,并根據并聯(lián)電抗器的特點(diǎn)消除其影響。