- Two out of three people think the President should resign. 有三分之二的人認為總統應當辭職。
- A tennis contest won by the player or side that wins a specified number of sets, usually two out of three or three out of five. 網(wǎng)球賽一方贏(yíng)得規定盤(pán)數便告結束的網(wǎng)球比賽,通常是三盤(pán)兩勝或五盤(pán)三勝
- I reported to Nixon that the odds were two out of three in favor of a rapid conclusion of the war. 我向尼克松報告說(shuō)迅速結束戰爭有六七成的希望。
- In the Third World, where two out of three people still live by farming, food shortage and malnutrition are common. 在第三世界,有三分之二的人仍然以務(wù)農為生,但糧食短缺和營(yíng)養不良現象卻司空見(jiàn)慣。
- Fianna Fail and Mr Cowen have a poor record on EU referendums, losing two out of three since 2001. 共和黨和科恩在歐盟公投上素來(lái)表現不佳,2001年來(lái)三次公投中兩次以否決收場(chǎng)。
- In a 2001 study, two out of three DETC students who tried to transfer credits to another institutions were successful. 在2001年,三分之二的學(xué)生在不同的教學(xué)機構之間成功轉換學(xué)分。
- In the Third World, where two out of three people still live by farming, food shortages and malnutrition are common. 在第三世界國家里,三分之二人口仍然依靠農業(yè)生存,食物短缺和營(yíng)養不良十分普遍。
- A tennis contest won by the player or side that wins a specified number of sets,usually two out of three or three out of five. 網(wǎng)球賽一方贏(yíng)得規定盤(pán)數便告結束的網(wǎng)球比賽,通常是三盤(pán)兩勝或五盤(pán)三勝。
- Recent surveys in the United States have concluded that middle managers regard two out of three of their bosses as inadequate. 美國最新的研究得出結論,中級經(jīng)理認為他們的上司三個(gè)中有兩個(gè)是不稱(chēng)職的。
- Key words input signals, redundancy, "two out of three" voting, manless on duty, computer supervisor and control system. 關(guān)鍵詞 信號輸入;冗余;三取二表決;無(wú)人值班;計算機監控系統。
- France's SNCF rail operator said on average one train in two was in service across the country, with two out of three high-speed TGV trains running. 法國的SNCF鐵路工作者稱(chēng)(示威期間只有)平均二分之一的普通列車(chē)在全國范圍內服務(wù),三分之一的高速TGV列車(chē)(在全國范圍)運行。
- A little gift was considered the ideal sign of affection by three-quarters of the respondents, and nearly two out of three said a restaurant meal was also on the cards, whiletheremainderthoughthomecookingwasinorder. 四分之三的被訪(fǎng)者認為一件小禮物是表達愛(ài)意的理想方式,大概三分之二的被訪(fǎng)者說(shuō)也會(huì )約愛(ài)人外出就餐,而余者認為在家烹飪是最理想的。
- Braithwaite says he was suspicious in 1971 when he won two out of three matches against Liang, one of world's top players, as they squared off in an auditorium with 18,000 spectators. 布雷斯威特說(shuō),1971年他在能容納1萬(wàn)8000名觀(guān)眾的體育館以二比一戰勝了當時(shí)的世界尖子選手梁戈亮。他當時(shí)就有些懷疑。
- When he first made the Chinese table-tennis national team at age 15, Wang Liqin looked like an overgrown geek, all gangly limbs and hair that appeared to have lost two out of three to a weed-whacker. 當15歲的王勵勤第一次加入中國國家乒乓球隊時(shí),他看起來(lái)是一個(gè)那么早熟的高手,四肢修長(cháng),頭發(fā)剃掉了2/3,發(fā)型像個(gè)除草機一般。
- Two out of every three adults are overweight or obese. 三個(gè)成年人中間有兩個(gè)人超重或者肥胖。
- Some traditional colleges will accept your credits, others will not. In a 2001 study, two out of three DETC students who tried to transfer credits to another institutions were successful. 一些傳統大學(xué)會(huì )接受你的學(xué)分,而另一些則不會(huì )。在2001年,三分之二的學(xué)生在不同的教學(xué)機構之間成功轉換學(xué)分。
- Among women who didn't exercise, two out of three women requested epidural pain relief during labor.But among the water aerobics group, only 27 percent of women asked for pain drugs. 沒(méi)有進(jìn)行的鍛煉的孕婦中,三分之二在產(chǎn)程中要求硬膜外麻醉緩解疼痛,但在有氧呼吸組中,僅27%25的孕婦需要陣痛劑。
- More than two out of three think the surge has made things worse, 85% say they lack confidence in the American or British forces and 57% (93% of Sunnis) consider attacks on them acceptable. 超過(guò)三分之二的人認為增兵使得局勢惡化,85%25的人說(shuō)他們對美國或英國軍隊缺乏信心,還有57%25的人(其中93%25是遜尼派)認可對美英軍隊的襲擊。
- You are a woman, eighteen years of age, and two out of a convent. 你是個(gè)二九年華的女人,從修道院出來(lái)才兩年。
- Nightmare journey Series two out of the continued efforts! 惡夢(mèng)之旅系列之二出來(lái)了,大家繼續努力吧!