- The excision of subconjunctival mass and the plasty of right upper eyelid were performed simultaneously. pathological examination confirmed that the mass is dermoid tumor in nature. 我們實(shí)施右眼眼皮整形手術(shù)及結膜下腫塊切除,病理報告證實(shí)為一皮樣囊腫。
- If the ink sinks in it'll be hard to remove it. 如果墨水滲入,要除去就很困難。
- If the ink sinks in, it'll be hard to remove the spot from the cloth. 如果墨水滲入布料,就很難把污跡洗去。
- It's going to be hard work but we'll win through in the end. 那將是艱巨的工作,不過(guò)歷經(jīng)千辛萬(wàn)苦后我們最后會(huì )取得勝利的。
- In the lump they were hard working people. 就整體而言,他們都是辛勤的勞動(dòng)者。
- It will be hard on her when the children leave. 孩子們離去時(shí),她會(huì )感到難受的。
- Being a parent can be hard work. 當父母可是件辛苦的事。
- Conclusion: Cerebellar tumor in the early stage tends to be. 目的:總結小腦腫瘤誤診的常見(jiàn)原因,以提高本病的早期確診率。
- The forces of Cassius were hard pressed early in the battle. 在戰斗初期,卡修斯的部隊處境艱難。
- You could see the tumor in the CAT scan. 你可以在CAT(計算機化X射線(xiàn)軸向分層造影)圖像中看見(jiàn)那個(gè)腫瘤。
- The battle in Italy will be hard and long. 意大利的戰爭將成為一場(chǎng)艱苦的持久的戰爭。
- That will be hard to find in summer! 那在夏天是很難找到的。
- It was hard work getting the children off to bed. 哄孩子們去睡可不是容易的事。
- Bile duct hamartoma is a rare hepatic tumor in adults. 摘要膽道缺陷瘤在成人是一種罕見(jiàn)的肝腫瘤。
- Those rebellious teenagers are hard to control. 那些反叛的青少年很難管教。
- I also have a large tumor in my brain from beatings. 我同時(shí)在腦部也有個(gè)起因于受打擊產(chǎn)生的巨大腫瘤。
- Life was hard for the early colonists in the United States. 對早期到美國來(lái)的殖民地開(kāi)拓者來(lái)說(shuō)生活是艱苦的。
- Methods:18 cases of the nasal orbital tumor were operated via transconjunctiva with nasal blepharotomy.The incision of the eyelid was carefully sutured. 方法:18例眼眶鼻側腫瘤,經(jīng)結膜徑路入眶結合眼瞼內側全層切開(kāi)取出,術(shù)畢瞼緣縫合需對合整齊。
- He is so fine a man that it would be hard to find his peer. 他為人之好簡(jiǎn)直找不出第二個(gè)人。
- Both IMCC and MCC could not from tumor in nude mice 3 months later. IMCC接種后3天接種部位有細胞聚集的團塊 ,而 1月和 3月時(shí)接種區組織結構與未接種部位無(wú)明顯區別。