- I'll finish this work by hook or by crook. 我要用一切方法來(lái)完成這一工作。
- I'll get the work finished this week by hook or by crook. 我會(huì )想方設法在本周完成這項工作。
- I'll pass this course by hook or by crook. 我會(huì )盡一切辦法通過(guò)這門(mén)課的考試的。
- You're to win by hook or by crook. 你們要不擇手段爭勝。
- The construction company had to get the contract, by hook or by crook. 那家建設公司欲得契約,不擇手段。
- I'll find out where she lives by hook or by crook. 我要千方百計找到她的住所;
- I'll get her to marry me, by hook or by crook. 我要想方設法讓她同我結婚。
- By hook or by crook, we'll get this job done. 不管是用什么方法,我們都要把這件工作干下來(lái)。
- By hook or by crook, you must quit drugs! 你必須盡你全力去戒掉毒品!
- We've managed, by hook or by crook, to stop them. 我們千方百計地成功地阻止了他們。
- She had to acquire it, by hook or by crook. 她曾千方百計地要得到它。
- We will get the work finished this week by hook or by crook. 無(wú)論如何我們要在本星期完成這項工作。
- I'll get the work finished in this week by hook or by crook. 我要想盡辦法在這周內把工作完成。
- They'll get the work done this week by hook or by crook. 他們將千方百計想辦法在本周內完成這項工作。
- By hook or by crook By whatever means possible, fair or unfair. 不擇手段:采用任何正當或不正當的手段。
- By hook or by crook, ratings would become public knowledge. 人們會(huì )用盡一切辦法將等級公布天下。
- The construction company have to get the contract, by hook or by crook. 那家建設公司欲得契約,不擇手段。
- The construction company has to get the contract,by hook or by crook. 那家建設公司欲得契約,不擇手段。
- This excited the fetishistic Simon who decided to have her by hook or by crook. 接著(zhù)他看上了自幼纏足,一對小腳仿如三歲孩童的金蓮(早川瀨里奈飾)。
- That dishonest politician was determined to win the election by hook or by crook. 那個(gè)不誠實(shí)的政客決心不擇手段在選舉中取勝。