- The descending property of Newton method has discussed and an example ha. 本文討論了牛頓法的下降性并給出了算法及計算實(shí)例。
- Newton method is adopted and the reactive flash process of MTBE synthesis has been studied as a numerical example. 以含有惰性組分的MTBE反應閃蒸過(guò)程為例,用非反應閃蒸方法進(jìn)行計算,得到了關(guān)于反應閃蒸的一般結論。
- Under the assumptions of semismoothness, the global superlinear convergence of the smoothing Newton method was proved. 在半光滑假設條件下,證明了光滑化牛頓法具有全局超線(xiàn)性收斂性。
- In the paper we study the relationship between Davidson method and Newton method and emphasize on studying the inexact Newton method. 本文研究了Davidson方法與Newton方法的關(guān)系,并重點(diǎn)研究不精確Newton方法。
- An other way is first to reformulate CPs as a system of nonlinear smooth equations with smoothing parameters, then use the classical Newton method. 這些方法的共同特點(diǎn)是首先將原問(wèn)題轉化為確定(非光滑或帶參數的光滑)方程組求解,然后利用非線(xiàn)性方程組的(廣義)Newton法思想構造算法。
- Based on [2], [3], [5], [6] and [7], we generalize the classic bisection method to interval space, and replace interval Newton method. 本文在[2],[3],[5],[6] 和[7] 的基礎上,先將經(jīng)典的二分法推廣到區間二分法,并用它代替了計算量較大的區間牛頓法。
- Based on the reformulation as a system of nonsmooth equations, a generalized Newton method for solving this system is proposed. 在將原問(wèn)題轉化為一個(gè)非光滑方程組的基礎上,提出了解此方程組的廣義牛頓方法。
- The Newton method with the new gradient is combined with the interior penalty method to obtain the capacitated network flow solution. 利用新梯度的特征,并結合懲罰函數方法,可以獲得容量制約下的交通網(wǎng)絡(luò )流的解。
- At last,based on Lippman-Schwinger integral equation,the newton method is used to solve the reconstruction of the refractive index. 在Lippman-Schwinger積分方程的基礎上,用Newton法反演了折射率。
- The objective function in the unconstrained model of linear Support Vector Machine(SVM) is not twice differentiable which precludes the use of a fast Newton method. 摘要 線(xiàn)性支持向量機的無(wú)約束優(yōu)化模型的目標函數不是一個(gè)二階可微函數,因此不能應用一些快速牛頓算法來(lái)求解。
- A smoothing function which can be approximated by NCP-function is given and the smoothing Newton method is applied to resolve this nonsmooth operator equation. 構造一個(gè)光滑化函數逼近NCP-函數,利用光滑化牛頓法求解此非光滑算子方程。
- The modules of the engine system are calculated iteratively in a predetermined sequence,and a modified Newton method is used to find the unknown variables of the system. 該方法按照預定的計算順序,對發(fā)動(dòng)機系統的各個(gè)模塊進(jìn)行迭代計算,并采用擬牛頓法求解系統可調變量。
- The searching direction is created in the subspace with Newton method which takes advantage of Newton method's fast rate of local convergence while it can avoid too much memory. 通過(guò)在較小的子空間內利用牛頓法迭代生成尋優(yōu)方向,避免了牛頓法的存儲困難又發(fā)揮了它的快速收斂性。
- Sui Yunkang and Yang Zhiguang, Modified Newton Method and Dual Method through a Rational Approximation at Two Expanded Points ,Engineering Optimization, Vol.24 (1995 ): 1-17. 隋允康,結構優(yōu)化的曲線(xiàn)尋優(yōu)理論及其逼近論和常微分方程組解法,中國學(xué)術(shù)期刊文摘,1卷2期(1995).
- On the basis of this reformulation, it is proved that the system of nonsmooth equations is strongly semismooth so that the generalized Newton method for solving this system possesses locally quadratic convergence. 在此基礎上,證明了非光滑方程是強半光滑的,因而解此方程的廣義牛頓法具有局部二次收斂性。
- Secondly, we absorb the preconditioning idea of Davidson method and preconditioned Lanczos method and propose preconditioned inexact Newton method and preconditioned block inexact Newton method. 其次借鑒Davidson方法和預處理Lanczos方法的預處理思想,提出了預處理不精確Newton方法和預處理塊不精確Newton方法。
- A truncated or unfinished thing. 殘缺不全或未完成的東西
- Davidson method and Newton method are two effective methods for computing the extreme eigenvalues of symmetric matrices. Davidson方法和Newton方法是求解對稱(chēng)矩陣特征值的兩種有效方法。
- In our study, a new kind of Newton-PCG like algorithms is derived and it is proved that they are superior to the exact Newton method by the theoretical analysis and numerical experiments. 本項目針對一般的無(wú)約束優(yōu)化問(wèn)題,研究這類(lèi)算法的有效性的定量指標,并構造出理論上確保更為有效的算法,將該算法同牛頓法作了比較。
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 這個(gè)方法似乎不錯,但需要試驗一下。