- The general trend of events and the will of the people had become irresistible. 大勢所趨,人心所向,這已無(wú)可阻止。
- But the general trend of events will not permit capitulation; The obstinate and peculiarly barbarous character of Japan's war has decided this aspect of the question. 但是大勢所趨,是降不了的,日本戰爭的堅決性和特殊的野蠻性,規定了這個(gè)問(wèn)題的一方面。
- Reunification accords with the feelings of the people and the general trend of events, and no force in the world can obstruct it. 這是人心所向、大勢所趨,是世界上任何勢力也阻擋不了的。
- Reform is the only process through which China can be revitalized, a process which is irreversible and which accords with the will of the people and the general trend of events. 改革是振興的唯一出路,是人心所向,大勢所趨,不可逆轉。
- His Late Majesty, the First Ruler, overlooking the commonness of my origin, condescended to seek me thrice in my humble cot and consult me on the trend of events. 先帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈,三顧臣于草廬之中,諮臣以當世之事,由是感激,遂許先帝以驅馳。
- How do you explain this strange turn of events? 事情出現這種異常變化,你作何解釋?zhuān)?/li>
- What an unlucky train of events! 多么不幸的一連串事件!
- Asian stock market keeps the general trend of events under the prerequisite of the same tendency as US stock market, the whole will be stronger than the quotations tendencies of other areas slightly. 亞洲股市將大勢保持與美國股市相同走勢的前提下,整體將會(huì )稍強于其他地區的行情走勢。
- The chart shows an up trend of meat prices. 圖表顯示肉價(jià)呈上升趨勢。
- The trend of prices is still upwards. 物價(jià)仍有上漲趨勢。
- In the meantime, economy liberalizes, civilian battalion is changed will become hasten of place of world general trend of events, global interest rate will be slowgoing go up raise. 同時(shí),經(jīng)濟自由化、民營(yíng)化將成為世界大勢所趨,全球利率會(huì )緩步上揚。
- A sudden shock, revelation, or turn of events. 不尋常的事突發(fā)的令人震驚的事、新發(fā)現或事件的轉折
- He was taken aback by the turn of events. 事件的發(fā)展令他措手不及。
- The traffic accident led to a chain of events. 交通事故引起了一連串的事件。
- Your account of events corresponds with hers. 你說(shuō)的情況跟她說(shuō)的相符。
- The event changed the trend of public opinion. 這件事改變了輿論的趨向。
- The trend of stock is still downwards. 股票的走勢還是下跌。
- His version of events flies in the face of all the evidence. 他對事件的說(shuō)法與所有證據都不相符。
- the trend of events being unfavourable 情勢不妙
- And now behold a new trend of affairs. 現在來(lái)看一看事情的新趨勢吧。