- The moment of inertia is not a simple concept. 轉動(dòng)慣量不是一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的概念。
- Increased Moment of Inertia for serious forgiveness and truer roll. 提高慣性力率增加容錯度與確實(shí)的滾動(dòng)。
- From this general expression, we can find the moment of inertia about an axis through any point on the rod. 由這個(gè)一般表式,我們可以求出通過(guò)棒中任一點(diǎn)的軸的轉動(dòng)慣量。
- The oscillation frequency is defined by the moment of inertia of the rotor and the toque constant of the motor. 而振蕩的頻率是由轉子的慣性矩和電機的轉矩常數所決定。
- Moment of inertia: turning around its axis of symmetry, object has the character keeping speed and the direction of the axis of rotation not changing. 轉動(dòng)慣性:物體在繞著(zhù)自己的對稱(chēng)軸轉動(dòng)時(shí),具有保持轉速和轉動(dòng)軸方向不變的性質(zhì)。
- Because of its oblate shape, the moment of inertia of the earth is a maximum about the polar axis and minimum about an axis in the equatorial plane. 由于地球是扁球體,繞極軸慣量矩最大,而繞在赤道面內的軸的慣量矩最
- The expression of magnetic moment of an electrified body is similar to that of moment of inertia of a body with various density. 摘要帶電體定軸轉動(dòng)的磁矩計算與剛體定軸轉動(dòng)的轉動(dòng)慣量相仿,平行軸定理有助于磁矩計算。
- A geometric property of finite lattices is derived from the moment of inertia of a system of particles about a fixed axis. 從質(zhì)點(diǎn)系繞定軸轉動(dòng)的轉動(dòng)慣量出發(fā),導出有限點(diǎn)陣的一種幾何性質(zhì).
- Ideas of inertia and complacency are both wrong. 無(wú)所作為和驕傲自滿(mǎn)的論點(diǎn)都是錯誤的。
- I get a feeling of inertia in a hot summer day. 在盛夏我有一種懶洋洋的感覺(jué)。
- BMP files to calculate the texture features, to know its energy, entropy, moment of inertia, partial stationarity, and the correlation coefficient. 詳細說(shuō)明: 紋理分析:打開(kāi)一個(gè).;BMP文件后計算其紋理特征,能知道其能量,熵,慣性矩,局部平穩性,和相關(guān)系數
- The exciter current an exponential relationship with transmitted torque, torque by unit moment of inertia and viscous power loss. 勵磁電流與傳遞力矩、單位轉動(dòng)慣量傳遞的力矩等成指數關(guān)系,與功率損耗成負指數關(guān)系。
- It is verified that the periodic change of cross-sectional area and moment of inertia enforces the excitation of the pulsatile ... 證實(shí)了截面積和截面慣距的周期變化加強了脈動(dòng)流的激勵、容易使乳膠管發(fā)生位移振蕩,這與實(shí)驗結果在定性上是吻合的。
- Then, the paper presents an analysis ofthe moment of inertia of coiler in hot strip mill in detail, the equation of the inertia moment and theanalysis. 接著(zhù)分析了卷筒的慣性力矩,建立了卷筒張力控制的數學(xué)模型,推導了慣性力矩的理論表達式。
- I'm unable to throw off this feeling of inertia. 我無(wú)法擺脫這種懶散的感覺(jué)。
- Work and energy principle, conservation law of mechanical energy, moment of force, moment of inertia of rigid body, rotating law of rigid body with fixed axis. 功能原理,機械能守恒定律;力矩,剛體的轉動(dòng)慣量,剛體定軸轉動(dòng)定律。
- I get a feeling of inertia on a hot summer day. 在盛夏我有一種懶洋洋的感覺(jué)。
- In order to obtain independent representations on viewpoint, the three principal axes of the object should be found frm the moment of inertia matrix by computing its eigenvectors. 為了得到獨立于觀(guān)察點(diǎn)的表示,應通過(guò)計算慣量矩陣的特征向量確定客體的三個(gè)主軸。
- In the paper, invariant local features based on normalized moment of inertia(NMI) are used to select the matching points and calculate the spatial translation. 該法以基于歸一化轉動(dòng)慣量的不變性特征來(lái)實(shí)現特征點(diǎn)的匹配,并以統計方式獲得圖像間的平移量。實(shí)驗結果表明,該算法可實(shí)現顯微圖像快速、有效的拼接。
- Traditional machine tools indirectly driven by conventional motors do not always operate efficiently, due to their mass moment of inertia and complexly coupled mechanisms. 傳統的工具機在高扭力操作下,往往因為龐大的慣量和復雜的機構,使得難度高加工的精度受到很大的限制;