- New 220-kilovolt power transmission project cities. 新建大城市220千伏輸變電工程。
- New 110 kilovolt power transmission project cities. 新建大城市110千伏輸變電工程。
- Tarim Basin is the main source of the west-to-east gas transmission project. 西氣東輸的“主力軍”就是塔里木。
- The project group of Poverty Alleviation Project of Asia Bank visited CBNRM project site. 納雍縣亞行扶貧項目組參觀(guān)CBNRM項目點(diǎn)。
- Working with a task force or project group on a fast-paced and short-term basis. 在一個(gè)快節奏的短期的項目組工作。
- We are opposing the new project group (Super Junior China), and more members being added. 我們正在反對新的計畫(huà)團體 (超級年少的中國) 、和較多的成員被增加。
- The total investment of 120 million yuan Shacheng 220-kilovolt power transmission project is nearing completion. 總投資1.;2億元的沙城220千伏輸變電工程即將竣工。
- A project group will now be set up to establish the main criteria of the code as well as a senior steering group to fully develop the code. 一個(gè)專(zhuān)門(mén)的項目組將負責法規主要標準的確定和組建高級指導組負責法規的全面推廣實(shí)施。
- KV power transmission project following the construction, electrical engineering fields, power equipment sales equipment maintenance. V以下輸變電工程施工,電力工程預決算,電力器材銷(xiāo)售設備維修等。
- OK! It should be form the project group after you know what you should do,what jetton on your hand and whole strategy of this project. 明白了要做哪些事情和你手上的籌碼以及你做這個(gè)項目的總體策略,現在是成立項目小組的時(shí)候了。
- In 1974 I took a postdoc appointment (without the doc!) At Brookhaven National Laboratory and worked on the Superconducting Power Transmission Project. 1974年,我在“Brookhaven國家實(shí)驗室”獲得了一個(gè)博士后職位(沒(méi)有博士學(xué)位)!當時(shí)我從事“超導電力傳輸課題”。
- All concerning representative of CPLEC , ESSCA site project group and BGP site inspect group attend the ceremony of keel laying. ESSCA現場(chǎng)項目組、BGP現場(chǎng)監造組、船廠(chǎng)及有關(guān)方面代表出席了上船臺儀式。
- LGJK-300/50 expanded ACSR will be used for the first time in the 750V power transmission project in the Northwest Power Grid. 我國將首次在西北電網(wǎng)750 kV輸電工程上采用LGJK-300/50擴徑型鋼芯鋁絞線(xiàn)。
- We as a marketing project group are working for The Promotion Department of the Haarlem City Government in The Netherlands. 作為一個(gè)市場(chǎng)項目小組,我們服務(wù)與荷蘭哈勒姆市政府宣傳部。
- The simulation of UHV power transmission project from Jincheng to Jingzhou via Nanyang proves the effect of this method. 對晉東南-南陽(yáng)-荊門(mén)特高壓交流實(shí)驗示范工程進(jìn)行了仿真,結果驗證了方法的有效性。
- This framework of criteria is developed by the project group in University of Georgia, which consists of 11 categories and 125 indicators. 該標準架構由美國喬治亞州大學(xué)項目專(zhuān)家組開(kāi)發(fā),內容包括11種范疇、125項評價(jià)指標。
- The quotation of terms of works for a transmission project can be determined by a term of a fundamental construction unit times effecting factor. 一個(gè)輸電工程項目的工期定額可以用一個(gè)基本施工單元的工期乘以影響系數來(lái)確定。
- Cross-platform (Win32 and .NET) debugging within a project group is supported and, where possible, the debuggers share a common user interface. 版權申明:本站文章均來(lái)自網(wǎng)絡(luò ),如有侵權,請聯(lián)系028-86262244-215,我們收到后立即刪除,謝謝!
- Project Group of the Altun Active Fault Zone of State Seismological Bureau.1992. The Altun Active Fault Zone [M].Seismological Press, Beijing. 國家地震局阿爾金活動(dòng)斷裂帶課題組.;1992
- In 2008, the power sector for the Beijing-Tianjin inter-city railway construction investment Beijingnanzhan 220 kilovolt power transmission project, and so on. 2008年,電力部門(mén)又為京津城際鐵路投資建設220千伏北京南站輸變電工程等。