For it indicates that the Chinese people's democratic revolution against imperialism and feudalism will soon reach a turning point. 就是說(shuō),它表示我們中國反對帝國主義和封建主義的人民民主革命,快要進(jìn)到一個(gè)轉變點(diǎn)了。
It is precisely in the present War of Resistance Against Japan that we are striving to reach the turning point from failure to victory. 抗日戰爭就要努力達到這個(gè)由失敗到勝利的轉變點(diǎn)。
The yield point represents the dividing line or transition from the elastic to the plastic region of the curve. 屈服點(diǎn)是彈性變形區域到塑性變形區域之間曲線(xiàn)的過(guò)渡點(diǎn)。
The sequence of solutes flowing from the chromatogram would be changed at the inversion point, and so would the entropy condition. 在反轉點(diǎn)處,對應的吸附能力相鄰的兩種溶質(zhì)的分離順序發(fā)生反轉,熵條件也隨之改變。
The husband acquired a mistress, the turning point in their relationship. 他們之間感情的轉捩點(diǎn)是丈夫在外面有了情人。
The desperate gallantry of our naval task forces marked the turning point in the Pacific war. 我們的海軍特遣部隊拼死的英勇創(chuàng )造了太平洋戰爭中的轉捩點(diǎn)。
Do all those effects add up to a tipping point? 這些效應全部加起來(lái),是否已達某個(gè)臨界點(diǎn)?
It is a point where our old models must be discarded and a new reality rules. 在這個(gè)臨界點(diǎn)上,舊世界的規則與模型要拋棄而被代以新的規則。