- Apopo, a Belgian de-mining research group train rats and their handlers, saying that the animals have a highly developed sense of smell, are easy to tame and train and cheap and easy to maintain. 在一場(chǎng)奪走了上百萬(wàn)條人命的殘酷戰爭結束十三年后,來(lái)自西非的大型田鼠現正在莫三比克被用來(lái)偵測地雷,這些地雷至今仍威脅成千上萬(wàn)人的生命并且妨礙經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。
- The fierce rat is tussling with a grown rabbit. 又大又兇的老鼠在跟大兔子扭斗了。
- All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals. 列車(chē)上所有的椅套都被蓄意破壞者撕破了。
- The train is attacked by guerilla. 火車(chē)受到游擊隊的襲擊。
- The boys were spitting out of the train window. 那些男孩子向火車(chē)窗外吐口水。
- Mary would rather travel by train than by plane. 瑪麗寧可乘火車(chē)而不愿乘飛機旅行。
- I haven't got a clue about the train schedule. 我一點(diǎn)都不知道這個(gè)列車(chē)時(shí)刻表。
- Father stopped up the rat's holes. 父親堵塞了那些老鼠洞。
- Objective: to investigate the effect of hyperxia convalescence on parameter of red blood cell of hypoxia training rats. 目的:探討高氧恢復對低氧訓練紅細胞參數的影響及其機制。
- The cat which caught a rat is ours. 捉到一只老鼠的貓是我們的。
- The children are playing with a toy train. 孩子們正在玩一列玩具火車(chē)。
- Our seats on the train were back to back. 我們在火車(chē)上的坐位是背靠背的。
- We're just in time to catch the train. 我們正好趕上了火車(chē)。
- The train arrived on the dot of three o'clock. 那輛火車(chē)三點(diǎn)鐘準時(shí)到達。
- She felt sick at the sight of the dead rat. 她一見(jiàn)那只死老鼠就感到惡心。
- They trained rats to fear two different sounds by sending a mild electric shock through the rats' paws when they played the sounds. 他們訓練老鼠對兩種不同的聲音感到害怕,當他們播放這兩種聲音時(shí)會(huì )向老鼠的爪子發(fā)送一股強烈的電擊。
- We used to hear the train whistle at night. 過(guò)去我們常會(huì )在晚上聽(tīng)到火車(chē)的汽笛聲。
- She sickened at the sight of a dead rat. 她看見(jiàn)死老鼠就感到惡心。
- Around this time, Krupa was starting to succeed in training rats to perform the same task that Eshe would master so well a few years later. 就在這段期間,庫魯帕開(kāi)始成功訓練大鼠進(jìn)行一些任務(wù),也就是數年后艾許所擅長(cháng)的本事。