
[tr?k]     [tr?k]    
  • n. 軌道;跑道;蹤跡;小路;樂曲
  • v. 追蹤;跟蹤
trackable tracker tracked tracked tracking tracks



n. (名詞)
  1. 軌道,鐵軌
  2. 履帶
  3. 徑賽運動
  4. 足跡,行蹤
  5. 歷程
  6. 行動路線,路徑
  7. 思路
  8. 【體】跑道
  9. 小徑,小道
  10. 慣例,常規
  11. 音軌,聲道
  12. 滑軌
v. (動詞)
  1. (在...上)留下足跡,留下痕跡,留下印記
  2. 走,走過,通過
  3. 追蹤,跟蹤,跟蹤進展情況,跟蹤攝影,跟蹤找到,追查到,搜尋懂啊,跟蹤追趕踏成(道路)
  4. 為…鋪軌,鋪設鐵路
  5. 沿著(道路)走,順著走(舊轍),順著一定線路走,循路而行,循著探索,循軌道而行
  6. 移動攝影
  7. 踐踏,踏臟,踏平,踏成
  8. 探索拖(船)
  9. 拉纖行駛,用纖拉
  10. 在同一軌跡上運轉
  11. 有…的輪距
  12. 符合,一致,相符
  13. 講的通,有意義
  14. 音軌
  15. 按預期進行
  16. 財務即時帳戶和現金頭寸保持


n. (名詞)
  1. [P]蹤跡,痕跡,足跡 line or series of marks left by a moving vehicle, person, animal, etc.
  2. [C]小路 path or rough road, especially one made by vehicles, people or animals
  3. [C]路徑,進程路線 course taken by sth/sb (whether it can be seen or not)
  4. [C][U]軌道 set of rails for train
  5. [C]跑道 prepared course or circuit for racing
  6. [C]輪帶,履帶 continuous belt round the wheels of a bulldozer, tank, etc., on which it moves
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 跟蹤,追蹤 follow (an animal, etc.) by the mark, footprints, etc.


  1. a line or route along which something travels or moves;

    "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"
    "the track of an animal"
    "the course of the river"

  2. evidence pointing to a possible solution;

    "the police are following a promising lead"
    "the trail led straight to the perpetrator"

  3. a pair of parallel rails providing a runway for wheels

  4. a course over which races are run

  5. a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc;

    "he played the first cut on the cd"
    "the title track of the album"

  6. an endless metal belt on which tracked vehicles move over the ground

  7. (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data

  8. a groove on a phonograph recording

  9. a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll

  10. any road or path affording passage especially a rough one

  11. the act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track

  1. carry on the feet and deposit;

    "track mud into the house"

  2. observe or plot the moving path of something;

    "track a missile"

  3. go after with the intent to catch;

    "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"
    "the dog chased the rabbit"

  4. travel across or pass over;

    "The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day"

  5. make tracks upon



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The tram is being switched on to another track .
  2. The cyclist went at full sail along the track.
  3. I quickly lose her track in the crowd.
  4. A track runs across the field to his house.
  5. Her new album has two great tracks on it.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. It's difficult to track an animal right after rain.
  2. The police tracked the terrorists to their hide-out.


用作名詞 (n.)
  1. We followed his tracks through the snow.
  2. We followed the tracks of the rabbit into the woods.
  3. The fox didn't leave any tracks.
  4. The motorcar tracks are very clear.
  5. A track runs through the woods to the farmhouse.
  6. They passed a muddy track through the forest.
  7. It's the track of the coming storm.
  8. The Earth crosses the tracks of certain comets.
  9. The locomotive ran off the track and the cars overturned.
  10. Edison saw a boy playing on the track at a station.
  11. Time and again they laid their ears against the track to listen for the sound of approaching wheels.
  12. The railway tracks join up into a single line on the other side of the town.
  13. The train for London is on track eight.
  14. He is a track man.
  15. Athletics consists of track and field sports such as running, high jump, etc.
  16. His new album has two great tracks on it.
  17. They go on planting in the same track year after year.
用作動詞 (v.)
用作及物動詞 S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The hunters tracked the bear and killed it.
  2. The hunter was tracking a hare.
  3. Scientists are trying to track the lost satellite.
  4. Some special scientific instruments are used for tracking planes.
  5. Don't track the floor.
  6. 1
  7. The thief was closely tracked by the policeman.


用作名詞 (n.)
(hard) on sb's track〔on the track of〕
    追蹤某人; 尋找某人或某物 pursuing sb; looking for sb/sth
in one's tracks
    〈非正〉就地,突然 where one is; suddenly
lose〔keep〕 track of
    與…失去〔保持〕聯系; (不)了解…的動態 (not) keep informed about sb/sth; (not) have knowledge about sb/sth
make tracks (for)
    〈非正〉(向…)離去 move away (in the direction of)
on the right〔wrong〕 track
    想法〔做法〕對〔不對〕 thinking or acting in a correct〔incorrect〕 way
用作動詞 (v.)
track down( v.+adv. )
    追捕到,追查出 find (sb/sth) by or as by hunting
    track sb/sth ? down

    All citizens should help the police in tracking the criminals down.


    We finally tracked down our lost companion in a public house.


    I have never been able to track down the person who wrote the story.


    The hunters tracked down the game in the forest.


    I finally tracked down the reference in a dictionary of quotations.


    It was not long before I tracked down the lost watch.


    With no interpreters to help,I often had to track down the meaning of words by sheer guessing.


    Were the doctors able to track down the cause of the infection?


    He was determined to track down the cause of food spoilage.


    The criminal was tracked down and knocked off by the police.


track in( v.+adv. )
    帶進屋內 bring (usually mud) indoors by walking
    track sth ? in

    Look at all that mud that you've tracked in on your feet!


track up( v.+adv. )
    〈主美·非正〉踩臟… make (usually a floor) dirty with one's shoes
    track sth ? up

    Get out of my kitchen I don't want you children tracking up my nice clean floor!



用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The walls..tapestried with the tracks of snails.

    出自: Dickens
  • He was beginning to weep, and..wet tracks gleamed on his face.

    出自: R. Silverberg
  • Misfortunes which track my footsteps like slot-hounds.

    出自: Sir W. Scott
  • Every..aircraft flying over Europe can be tracked by radar.

    出自:Daily Telegraph
  • You track me, you spy on me.

    出自: M. Bradbury
  • During a head turn the eyes often track a single point.

    出自:Scientific American
  • Tracking..the boat was impossible, for the banks were perpendicular mud.

    出自: M. H. Mason



n. (名詞)
  1. track用作名詞可以指人、動物、車輛等行走后留下的“蹤跡,痕跡,足跡”(此時常用于復數形式),也可指其行走后所造成的“路,小徑”,還可指風暴、彗星等的“移動路徑或軌跡”。
  2. track還可作“(火車的)軌道”“站臺”“跑道”“輪帶,履帶”“唱片的一段錄音”“(聲)道”“滑道〔軌〕”等解,有時還可引申指“行為的方式”或“人生的常道”。track作“跑道”解時,在句中常用作定語。
  3. (hard) on sb's track〔on the track of〕的意思是“追蹤〔尋找〕某人,尋找某物”,指“追蹤〔尋找〕某人”時,這兩種表達方式均可; 指“尋找某物”時,則一般只用on the track of sth 結構。
v. (動詞)
  1. track用作名詞時意思是“足跡,痕跡”,轉化成動詞意思是“追蹤,尾隨”,指偷偷地跟在某人或某物的后邊而不被發現,從而尋找某人或某物的所在地,強調跟蹤這一過程而不強調跟蹤的結果,常含有“搜索”的意味。引申可指“踩在…上”。
  2. track一般用作及物動詞,接名詞或代詞作賓語??捎糜诒粍咏Y構。


n. (名詞)
track, path, road, route, way
  • 這組詞都有“路”的意思。其區別在于:
  • 1.path指“小路”“小徑”,常為人或畜走出來的路,引申可指思想、行為和生活等途徑。
  • 2.road意義廣泛,一般指交通大道。例如:
  • The roads were blocked with crowds of people. 道路被人群擠得水泄不通。
  • Houses in this area have all appreciated in value since the new road was built.新路建好之后這一地區的房子都增值了。
  • He advocated building more good roads.他主張修筑更多的好公路。
  • We have been advised that the roads are too icy for the trip.有人告訴我們路太滑不好走。
  • 3.way泛指路,常和其他詞構成復合詞。例如:
  • They barred the way and we couldn't go any farther.他們擋住了路,我們不能再往前走。
  • On our way to the peak, a fierce storm suddenly blew up.在爬向頂峰時,突然刮起猛烈的大風。
  • The land has appreciated greatly since the new railway was built.自新鐵路建成后,這片地的價值大為增加。
  • 4.route指按規定行走的路線、航線。例如:
  • They returned by the same route.他們從原路返回。
  • They decided on the route they were to take.他們決定了要走的路線。
  • The plane did not fly the usual commercial route.飛機沒有沿通常的商業航線飛。
  • 5.track所指的路鋪有車軌。例如:
  • They are laying the tracks for a new railway.他們正在為鐵路鋪新軌。
  • The locomotive ran off the track and the cars overturned.機車出了軌,車廂翻了。
  • v. (動詞)
    track, hunt
  • 這兩個詞的共同意思是“追捕”,其區別是:
  • track強調跟蹤或順著線索追查; 而hunt既可指獵取動物,也可泛指搜尋人或其他事物。例如:
  • The men had gone to the forest to hunt wild game.男人們已去森林中打野味了。
  • They hunted everywhere for her.他們到處尋找她。
  • She hunted the house over for her lost ring.她在屋子里翻箱倒柜,到處尋找那只丟失的戒指。
  • pursue,follow,chase,hunt,trace,track,trail
  • 這些動詞均含“跟隨、追蹤”之意。
  • pursue指堅持不懈、毫不動搖地緊跟、追趕某人、某物或某個事業。
  • follow普遍用詞,含義最廣,多指跟隨起引導作用的人或物,跟隨的動機可以是善意的,也可能是惡意的。
  • chase指快速追趕或決心追蹤,褒義貶義均可用。
  • hunt原義為“追獵、獵取”,現用于指追捕或搜尋逃犯等。
  • trace指根據線索或足跡進行跟蹤。用于抽象意義時指找到某事物的根源。
  • track指沿著人或動物留下的印跡或行跡追蹤。
  • trail一般指跟蹤追擊。
  • 常見錯誤

    n. (名詞)

      We must read the papers so as to keep track with world affairs.

      We must read the papers so as to keep track of world affairs.

      keep track of是固定用法,介詞of不能改為with。


    • ☆ 15世紀晚期進入英語,直接源自古法語的trac,意為馬的跑道。
    目錄 附錄 查詞歷史