- Have the above hotel star rating been approved by Tourism Bureau? 上述酒店星級是否已通過(guò)旅游局批準?
- State Tourism Bureau Int'l Travel Service Licence No. 國家旅游局國際旅行社業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)營(yíng)許可證號
- The tourism bureau is soliciting public opinion on the translations. 北京旅游局正在對這些翻譯征求公眾意見(jiàn)。
- During the upcoming week-long National Day holiday, Nyingchi is expected to receive about 350,000 tourists, according to local tourism bureau. 據當地旅游局介紹,“十一”國慶黃金周期間,林芝預計將接待約35萬(wàn)名游客。
- Hunan Pipa Xi hotel by Hunan Tourism Bureau and the Beijing Tourism Group, a joint venture of a quasi-four-star hotel. 湖南琵琶溪賓館是由湖南省旅游局和北京市旅游集團公司合資經(jīng)營(yíng)的一家準四星級賓館。
- The City Tourism Bureau is coordinate with the relevant insurance company to implement the protection and pacification measures. 對于兩位在地震災害中不幸罹難的武漢游客,市旅游局大力協(xié)調有關(guān)保險公司,全力落實(shí)有關(guān)保障和善后安撫措施。
- It will also reinvent its former county seat into a national earthquake museum, Zhang Gu, head of the Sichuan provincial tourism bureau, said Monday. 四川省旅游局的局長(cháng)張古在星期一說(shuō),計劃還將他之前的鄉村變成一個(gè)全國性的地震博物館。
- NTA relevant people and the city tourism bureau Chenchunhong times recently in an interview with reporters that the rumours. 國家旅游局有關(guān)人士和張家界市旅游局副局長(cháng)陳春紅近日在接受記者采訪(fǎng)時(shí)否認了這個(gè)謠傳。
- The National Day golden week would bring the first peak of tourist arrivals to Sichuan, said Sichuan Tourism Bureau director Zhang Gu. 國慶黃金周將使四川迎來(lái)旅游人數的第一次高峰,四川旅游局局長(cháng)張古說(shuō)。
- Xicheng District Tourism Bureau received a gift of great Fuwa, like Simone, from time to time with Fuwa to allow reporters to take photographs. 收到西城區旅游局贈送的大福娃后,西蒙娜很喜歡,不時(shí)地拿著(zhù)福娃讓記者拍照。
- Thanks to 98% forest coverage, air in Zhangjiajie is “intoxicatingly” pure, an official with Zhangjiajie City Tourism Bureau revealed. 由于景區森林覆蓋率達到98%25以上,空氣“純凈得讓人心醉”。
- McDonough Hospitality &Tourism Bureau - Included are lodging, shopping, dining, historic sites, maps, calendar, special events and contacts. 易易工作室-各種在線(xiàn)工具,站長(cháng)網(wǎng)志,以及多個(gè)應用項目。
- Zhoukou City Tourism Bureau to carry all my colleagues, welcome Chinese and foreign visitors to tourist Zhoukou, Yezu roots. 周口市旅游局攜全體同仁,歡迎中外游客來(lái)周口旅游觀(guān)光,尋根謁祖。
- Yuci financial Hotel of JInzhong City in Shanxi Province is the first Three-Star hotel that was assessed formally by the National Tourism Bureau . 山西省晉中市榆次金融大酒店是晉中首家被國家旅游局正式評定的三星級酒店。
- A man who answered the phone at the Tibetan Tourism Bureau confirmed that the decision to reopen Tibet on May 1 had been changed. He refused to give his name. “這項決定會(huì )嚴重影響我們,甚至是整個(gè)中國的旅游業(yè)?!彼f(shuō)。 一位拒絕透漏姓名的西藏旅游署工作人員在電話(huà)采訪(fǎng)中證實(shí)了西藏在5月1日重新開(kāi)放的計劃被推遲的消息。
- Ladies and gentlemen, now, I have the honor to invite Ms Ji Xiaolan, general director of the Tourism Bureau of Shanxin to deliver an opening speech. Please! 現在,我們首先邀請主辦方之一的陜西旅游局紀曉蘭局長(cháng)為我們講話(huà)。
- Day 3, from Nyingchi District Tourism Bureau was informed that the annual Peach Festival will be held Nyingchi March 15 at the beautiful Ocean Shores Niyang curtain. 3日,從林芝地區旅游局了解到,一年一度的林芝桃花旅游節將于3月15日在美麗的尼洋河畔拉開(kāi)序幕。
- Shenzhen TTW Travel Service is verified by Shenzhen Municipal Tourism Bureau and approved by Guangdong Province Tourism Bureau.It has the qulification of independent legal person. 公司業(yè)務(wù)范圍:組織安排國內、省內以及出境觀(guān)光旅游,同時(shí)為客人代辦簽證,預訂國際、國內機票,預訂酒店客房,旅游租車(chē),負責接待,安排各種商務(wù)活動(dòng),承辦大型會(huì )議等特殊專(zhuān)項旅游活動(dòng)。
- Local tourism bureau should spend capital to help as soon as possible " protect islander " build interactive platform, maintain propagandist temperature. 當地旅游局應盡快花本錢(qián)幫助“護島人”建立互動(dòng)平臺,保持宣傳熱度。
- Deputy director of the Tibet Autonomous Region Tourism Bureau said that Provenzano, compared to previous years, this year's "11" golden week tourism has four characteristics. 西藏自治區旅游局副局長(cháng)扎諾說(shuō),與往年相比,今年“十一”黃金周旅游呈現四個(gè)方面的特點(diǎn)。