- The Development of the Power Plant Energy Management System Software. 電廠(chǎng)能源管理系統軟件制作。
- A powerful application software called energy management system (EMS) is available. 稱(chēng)為能源管理系統(ems)的功能強大的應用軟件已被采用。
- The energy management system of Anhui local grid is an automation system built for automatic acquisition and processing of energy data of substations. 摘要安徽地區電網(wǎng)電能量管理系統是為地區電網(wǎng)變電站內電能量自動(dòng)采集和管理而設計的自動(dòng)化系統。
- The application architecture is also put forward based on the workflow model and the application in the energy management system is illuminated. 在模型分析的基礎上,給出了基于該工作流模型的應用系統的結構,并且以冶金企業(yè)能源管理系統中的具體應用實(shí)例進(jìn)行說(shuō)明。
- Power system state estimation is the core of electric energy management system and the bases of dispatch, control, security evaluation and so on. 電力系統狀態(tài)估計是電力系統調度、控制、安全評估等方面的基礎,也是電能管理系統的核心組成部分。
- IEC 61970 defines an application program interface (API) for an energy management system (EMS) for integration of different EMS effectively and conveniently, which includes Common Information Model (CIM) and Component Interface Specification (CIS). 為了能夠快速實(shí)現不同EMS系統的有效集成,美國EPRI提出了一套EMS系統的應用程序接口規范(CCAPI),現已被IEC采納為IEC-61970標準。
- In order to implement "plug and play" Automatic Voltage Control System (AVC), it is necessary to expand Common Information Model (CIM) for the purpose of standard integration between AVC and Energy Management System (EMS). 為了實(shí)現自動(dòng)電壓控制系統(AVC)與能量管理系統 (EMS)的標準化集成,實(shí)現“即插即用”式的AVC應用, 有必要在現有公共信息模型(CIM)中擴展AVC模型的描述。
- G.T.Levermore, Building Energy Management Systems, An application to heating and control, E &FN spon, 1992. 汪善國,新風(fēng)量、新風(fēng)和新回風(fēng)系統及控制,暖通空調,1997年1月。
- Energies Management System is one of the key technologies of HEV;.at the same time it is one of the technology innovations of HEV. 多能源控制系統是混合動(dòng)力電動(dòng)汽車(chē)開(kāi)發(fā)過(guò)程中的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)之一,也是混合動(dòng)力系統的最關(guān)鍵的技術(shù)創(chuàng )新之一。
- Fricks, R. M. and Trivedi, K. S., “Availability Modeling of Energy Management Systems,” Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 38, pp. 727-743, 1998. 鄭梅峰,“以妥善率為基礎之初次備份件存貨策略研究-以國軍某武器之模擬分析”,碩士論文,國防管理學(xué)院資源管理所,臺北,第17頁(yè),2003。
- electric energy management system 電能管理系統
- Intelligent Energy Management System 能源智能管理系統
- Navy Corpsman total energy increased by 30. 海軍醫務(wù)兵能量增加30。
- Automatic Electric Energy Management System 電能自動(dòng)管理系統
- RESET TOTAL ENERGY Are you sure? 重新設置總能量您確信?
- Secondly, I discuss about the engineering theory system of EV from these aspects: energy system, electrical engineering system, energy management system, and electrification system. 其次,從電動(dòng)車(chē)的能源系統、電機驅動(dòng)系統、能量管理系統和充電系統對電動(dòng)車(chē)工程理論體系進(jìn)行論述。
- IEC 61970 specifies Energy Management Systems Application Program Interfaces (EMS API). Its final goal is to help to realize plug and play technology of application software between different EMS. IEC 61970系列標準定義了EMS的應用程序接口(EMS-API),其目標是實(shí)現應用軟件模塊在不同調度自動(dòng)化系統中的“即插即用”。
- What are the maximum potential energy and the total energy? 最大勢能和總能量是多少?
- D.J.Chapman, A.H.Palmer and J.F.Leuer, “A case study in change centralized energy management system to a decentralized one,” IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 5, No. 4, November 1990 pp. 1517-1523. 盧展南、鄧人豪、劉文雄、陳景富、殷世安、涂金泉、陳圣安、黃啟通,配電系統支線(xiàn)自動(dòng)化模式研究,臺灣電力公司研究計畫(huà),2000年12月。
- To a very good approximation the total energy is conserved. 作為一個(gè)非常好的近似,這里的總能量是守恒的。