- A person who commits a tort is called a tortfeasor. 實(shí)施侵權行為的人被稱(chēng)為侵權行為人。
- It will give you more clout in dealing with an infringer in the US. 它能在你處理侵權糾紛時(shí)給你更大的勝算。
- SAIC and its local agencies above the county level could also impose a fine upon the infringer. 國家工商行政管理局及其縣級以上地方機構還可對侵權人處以罰款。
- No tortfeasor is compelled to make contribution beyond his own pro rata share of the entire liability. 任何共同侵權人都不能夠被強迫分攤超過(guò)其所占全部責任的按份份額。
- The ultimate form of common liability is that every tortfeasor bears shared liability for the damage. 共同侵權責任的最終歸屬都是各行為人對損害承擔按份責任。
- A party injured as a result of the intoxication of the tortfeasor has a claim against him who contributed to the tortfeasor's intoxication. 作為侵權行為人醉酒之結果而受到傷害的當事人有權向造成該侵權行為人醉酒的人提出索賠請求。
- Similarly, a person can be liable as a joint tortfeasor provided that the act of infringement in question took place in Hong Kong. 同時(shí),侵權人士亦可被控為共同侵權者,只要涉案的侵權行為是在香港發(fā)生。
- The infringer of malice registration and use should undertake civil, administrative and criminal responsibility. 侵權人惡意注冊和使用域名的應當承擔民事責任、行政責任和刑事責任。
- "Those members also expressed concern regarding the calculation of damages based on the infringer's profits. 這些成員還對以侵權人利潤為基礎計算損失的做法表示關(guān)注。
- Article 131. If a victim is also at fault for causing the damage, the civil liability of the infringer may be reduced. 第一百三十一條受害人對于損害的發(fā)生也有過(guò)錯的,可以減輕侵害人的民事責任。
- The degree of the tortfeasor's fault is to be taken into account only where it significantly contributes to the grievance of the victim. 侵權行為人的過(guò)錯程度只有在對造成受害人的痛苦起到了顯著(zhù)作用時(shí)才加以考慮。
- And the illegal earning of the loss to obligee and infringer all did not make clear a standard. 而對權利人的損失和侵權人的違法所得均沒(méi)有明確標準。
- To invalidate the patent, the alleged infringer would still need to file an invalidity petition with the patent office. 要使專(zhuān)利無(wú)效,被控侵權人仍需向專(zhuān)利局提交無(wú)效申請。
- For it solves to be difficult what infringer put to the proof, infer the principle in some occasion applicable fault. 因此,我國知識產(chǎn)權侵權損害賠償歸責原則也應該適用過(guò)錯責任原則。
- In order to meet the “unconquerable and unavoidable” requirements the tortfeasor should take proper measures both beforehand and afterwards. “不能克服、不能避免”要求加害人在事前和事后都采取適當的防范措施。
- And if you play the game in a way not in accordance with Funcom's rules, you will be a copyright infringer. 實(shí)施簡(jiǎn)便 采用先進(jìn)的嵌入式代碼設計,只需在企業(yè)的網(wǎng)站頁(yè)面上插入一段代碼,即可實(shí)現搬家公司的全部功能。
- If the victim suffers other great losses therefrom, the infringer shall compensate for those losses as well. 受害人因此遭受其他重大損失的,侵害人并應當賠償損失。
- Accordingly, the SFDA shall write off the drug approval certification documents of the infringer. 國家食品藥品監督管理局據此注銷(xiāo)侵權人的藥品批準證明文件。
- However, ISP is not the direct infringer;the law system of our country can’t support to impute ISP. 然而,網(wǎng)絡(luò )服務(wù)提供者并非直接侵權人,我國現有的法律制度沒(méi)有ISP承擔責任的理論依據,造成了司法實(shí)踐中尷尬。
- As a rule, victim plaintiff and tortfeasor doubted defendant, but confirming not tort suit changes the roles of two parties. 它改變了通常權利人是原告而涉嫌侵權人是被告的傳統。