
[t?p]     [t?p]    
  • n. 小費;小建議;輕拍;尖端,頂端;傾斜,翻倒
  • v. 給小費;裝頂端;傾斜;翻倒
tipper tipped tipped tipping tips



n. (名詞)
  1. 傾斜, 傾倒,翻倒
  2. 輕擊,輕推
  3. 尖端,頂端,翼尖
  4. 小費,賞錢(qián)
  5. 告誡,提示
  6. 秘密消息,內部情報
  7. 頂端附加的小件
  8. <英>棄置場(chǎng)
  9. 末端,梢
  10. 【棒】擦球(立即往壘上跑)
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. (使)翻倒,(使)傾斜,(使)傾,(使)傾倒
  2. 給(小費),賞(酒錢(qián))
  3. <英>傾倒
  4. 遞送
  5. 泄露
  6. 暗示,告誡
  7. 踮著(zhù)腳走
  8. 輕觸,輕擊,輕碰
  9. 使傾,使傾覆
  10. 扔出
  11. 推倒(人)
  12. 翻轉,翻覆
  13. 裝尖頭
  14. 脫(帽)打招呼
  15. 在…的頂端裝附加物,覆蓋…的尖端
  16. 去掉(生長(cháng)物)的尖端
  17. 倒出
  18. 倒垃圾
  19. 付小賬
  20. 某物側邊提高
  21. 屈身
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. Transit Improvement Program 蒂普(子午儀改進(jìn)衛星),美國導航衛星


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]尖端,尖兒 pointed or thin end of sth
  2. [C](裝在某物頂端的)小部分或小物件 small part or piece fitted to the end of sth
  3. [C]垃圾棄置場(chǎng) place where rubbish may be tipped
  4. [C]臟的或亂的地方 dirty or untidy place
  5. [C]小費,小賬 small sum of money given to a waiter, taxi driver, etc.as personal reward for their services
  6. [C]有用的小建議,實(shí)用的小提示 small but useful piece of practical advice
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)某物側邊提高,傾斜,翻倒 (cause sth to) rise, lean or tilt on one side or at one end
  2. vt. 將(所盛之物)倒出 cause (the contents of sth) to pour out by tilting
  3. vt. 給某物裝上尖頭,置于某物的頂端 cover the end or edge of sth a colour, a substance,etc.
  4. vt. 給小費 give a tip to sb
  5. vt. 輕打 touch or strike sth lightly
  6. vt. 就(某人或某事物)提出意見(jiàn)或建議 give advice or an opinion about sb/sth


  1. the extreme end of something; especially something pointed

  2. a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)

  3. an indication of potential opportunity;

    "he got a tip on the stock market"
    "a good lead for a job"

  4. a V shape;

    "the cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points"

  5. the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill);

    "the view from the peak was magnificent"
    "they clambered to the tip of Monadnock"
    "the region is a few molecules wide at the summit"

  1. cause to tilt;

    "tip the screen upward"

  2. mark with a tip;

    "tip the arrow with the small stone"

  3. give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on;

    "Remember to tip the waiter"
    "fee the steward"

  4. cause to topple or tumble by pushing

  5. to incline or bend from a vertical position;

    "She leaned over the banister"

  6. walk on one's toes

  7. strike lightly;

    "He tapped me on the shoulder"

  8. give insider information or advise to;

    "He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot"

  9. remove the tip from;

    "tip artichokes"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He charged me 20 yuan for tip.
  2. It's common to leave a tip in many Western countries.
  3. This manual is full of useful tips.
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. Did you remember to tip the porter?
  2. Only the tip of an iceberg pokes up above water.


用作名詞 (n.)
(have sth) on the tip of sb's tongue
    話(huà)到嘴邊 just about to be spoken or remembered
the tip of the iceberg
    重要情況〔重大問(wèn)題等〕顯露出的小部分 small but evident part of a much larger concealed situation, problem, etc.
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
tip in (v.+adv.)
    在書(shū)頁(yè)間裝訂處黏附(插頁(yè)) affix or paste (an insert) in a book at the binding margin
    tip sth ? in

    All the pictures in the book were tipped in carelessly and are beginning to come loose.


tip into (v.+prep.)
    (把…)倒進(jìn),(使)掉進(jìn) (cause sb/sth to) enter sth by raising a container at an angle
    tip into sth

    The car tipped into the ditch.


    tip sb/sth into sth

    The boat rocked, tipping some of the passengers into the river.


    Her hand slipped and she tipped some of the tea into her plate by mistake.


    She tipped the slops out of the bucket into the sink.


    Just tip the wood into this box, will you?


tip off1 (v.+adv.)
    供給(某人)秘密消息; 給(某人)警告或暗示 give secret information or a warning to sb
    tip sb/sth ? off

    Suddenly the horse jumped up and tipped its rider off.


    The cart stopped suddenly, tipping its load off in the middle of the road.


    tip sb ? off

    Someone tipped the gang off and they escaped before the police arrived.


    A friend tipped Mike off about the precarious financial position of the company, and he sold his shares in time.


    The police were tipped off that the criminals were planning to rob the bank.


    The moonshiners had been tipped off that they were about to be raided.


tip off2 (v.+prep.)
    因傾斜而使…掉下來(lái) cause sb/sth to fall off sth, by raising a level at an angle
    tip sb/sth off sth

    The train stopped abruptly, nearly tipping me off my bunk.


tip out (v.+adv.)
    從(容器等中)倒出,從…掉出 remove by tilting or overturning a vessel, etc.
    tip sb/sth out of sth

    The train stopped with a violent jerk, nearly tipping me out of my bunk.


    tip sb/sth ? out

    Buckets rise on a long chain from the well, and the water is tipped out into irrigation channels.


    The load is tipped out at the dumping site.


tip over1 (v.+adv.)
    (使)翻載,(使)翻倒 (cause to) overturn or upset; (cause to) throw
    tip over

    The lamp on the table tipped over.


    A canoe will sometimes tip over quickly.

    獨木舟有時(shí)一下子就會(huì )翻掉。

    tip sth ? over

    The typhoon nearly tipped over the house.


    Careful!You'll tip the boat over.


    The clumsy boy tipped the jar of paint over .


    The ladder fell, tipping the tin of paint over so that they ran all over the floor.


    I'm sorry I tipped the vase over.


    The last of the glasses broke when Mary tipped over the sideboard.


    The bowl was tipped over by the cat which jumped in through the window.


tip over2 (v.+prep.)
    從…的上方倒 throw sth over
    tip sth over sth

    My neighbour has been tipping dead leaves over the wall into my garden.


tip up (v.+adv.)
    〈俚〉付款 pay money
    tip up

    Don't lean on the table or it'll tip up.


    tip sth ? up

    He got so angry that he tipped the table up.


    Tip the box up and empty it.


    Please tip up the sofa so that I may remove the carpet from under it.


    tip up

    These bunks can tip up and fold back into the wall.


    tip sth ? up

    Many theatres and cinemas have seats that can be tipped up.


    tip up for sth

    You buy the tickets and I'll tip up for the meal.



用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞
  • tip in 在書(shū)頁(yè)間裝訂處黏附(插頁(yè))
  • tip off 因傾斜而使…掉下來(lái)
  • tip out 從容器中倒出,從…掉出
  • tip over (使)翻載,(使)倒翻
  • tip up (使)傾斜,(使…)圍繞鉸鏈或樞軸向上翻起


  • The cigar tip glowed.

    出自: B. Breytenbach
  • The tips of her fingers had gone icy.

    出自: J. C. Oates
  • She lives in an absolute tip of a flat.

    出自: V. Glendinning
  • The report..surveyed a 100..waste tips.

    出自:Earth Matters
  • They give me vast tips, especially the Yanks.

    出自: J. Trollope
  • A new collection of managerial tips, with chapters on selling, negotiating, managing.

    出自:New York Times
  • My tip is, 'Buy 1985s'.

  • He tipped off a satisfactory length of ash.

    出自: G. Greene
  • Two men saw the boat tip.

    出自: L. Erdrich
  • The sun tips with light the mountains of Ingeli.

    出自: A. Paton
  • Wooden gouges tipped with stainless steel needles.

  • I tipped the cabby.

    出自: D. Shields
  • Phillips is tipped as a hot favourite to get an Oscar Award.






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