- The name of the time zone in English. 時(shí)區的英文名稱(chēng)。
- Gets the standard time zone name. 獲取標準時(shí)區名稱(chēng)。
- Gets the time zone of the current computer system. 獲取當前計算機系統的時(shí)區。
- Which time zone do you use in the space? 空間站里使用的哪個(gè)時(shí)間?
- The earth is divided into 24 time zones. 地球被分為二十四個(gè)時(shí)區。
- Which time zone is your city located in? 你們的城市位于哪個(gè)時(shí)區?
- Should I apply the Windows time zone update? 我是否應該應用Windows時(shí)區更新?
- Will be in the current time zone of the system. 將基于系統的當前時(shí)區。
- The time zone to convert the UTC to. 要將UTC轉換到的時(shí)區。
- One of the major concerns here is time zone. 這里最主要的考慮是時(shí)區問(wèn)題。
- Date and time data with time zone awareness. 顯示時(shí)區的日期和時(shí)間數據。
- Review your current time zone selection here. 在此處查看當前時(shí)區選項。
- Select a city in your country and time zone. 選擇你的國家中的一個(gè)程式以及時(shí)區。
- This user's time zone is UTC+8 . 這個(gè)用戶(hù)的母語(yǔ)是中文。
- Yes, but I am still adjusting to the new time zone. 喜歡,不過(guò)我還在適應這新的時(shí)區。
- The next steps are setting up your time zone and clock. 下一步是建立您的時(shí)區和時(shí)間。
- In the Time zone list, click the time zone you want. 在“時(shí)區”列表中,單擊所需時(shí)區。
- We'll use your time zone to set your computer's clock. 我們將用您的時(shí)區來(lái)設置您計算機的時(shí)鐘。
- Show two time zones in the Outlook calendar. 在Outlook日歷中顯示兩個(gè)時(shí)區。
- Some time zones do not have DST. 某些時(shí)區沒(méi)有DST。