- 分清麻醉藥品、精神藥品與麻醉藥、抗精神失常藥的區別Draw a clear distinction between narcotic drug, psychotropic drugs, narcotic and psychotolytic
- 抗精神失常藥物引起心電圖異常病人的觀(guān)察Observation on Abnormal Electrocardiogram Induced by Psychoactive Drugs
- 抗精神失常藥物Psychotolytics
- 致精神失常藥psychotoxics
- 抗精神藥物Antipsychotic
- 擬精神失常藥Psychotomimetic
- 抗精神分裂癥藥antischizophrenic drug; antischizophrenic drugs; antischizophrenics; ASD
- 抗精神障礙類(lèi)藥物antipsychotics
- 擬精神失常藥,致幻覺(jué)藥Psychotomimetic
- 抗精神活動(dòng)的antipsychotic
- 抗精神分裂癥的antischizophrenic
- 被告以暫時(shí)精神失常作為藉口The defendant alleges temporary insanity.
- 他的女兒和罪犯結婚的消息使他精神失常了。The news that his daughter had married a criminal turned his brain.
- methophenazine (抗精神分裂癥藥)三甲氧奮乃靜
- 醫生確診他精神失常。The doctor certified him insane.
- 抑制精神的,抗精神活動(dòng)的,精神抑制藥antipsychotic
- 她自殺時(shí)精神失常。The suicide was of unsound mind when she committed the deed.
- 法律上宣告為精神失常To declare legally insane.
- 他精神失常了?Has he lost his mind?
- 使精神失常unhinge