- For late rice, we should pay attention to seedling and tillering stage, supply certain amount at middle stage, if soil K deficiency is severe. 對晚稻施鉀來(lái)說(shuō),我們應注意苗期和分蘗期,如果土壤缺鉀嚴重,中期供應一定數量鉀肥。
- It emerged in tillering stage, then increased in earing and then outbreken most heavily in ripen period. 該病在水稻分蘗末開(kāi)始發(fā)病,孕穗末病情劇增,蠟熟進(jìn)入發(fā)病高峰。
- Less nitrogen was accumulated in short-height cultivars than in tall-height cultivars during tillering stage, but the reverse was true after anthesis. 矮稈粳稻4007和武運粳在分蘗期累積的氮素量低于豫粳和云粳,開(kāi)花期后吸收的氮素顯著(zhù)高于豫粳和云粳。
- Suitable drought at tillering stage could enhance water use efficiency (WUE) of rice plant significantly in the course of and after treatment. 分蘗期適度節水脅迫處理可以顯著(zhù)提高處理期及處理結束到完熟期的水分利用效率;
- The loss of the yield of the r ice irrigated with polluted water at tillering stage is greater than that at ear primordial stage. 生育前期(分蘗期)受污染的產(chǎn)量損失大于生育后期(幼穗分化期)受污染的產(chǎn)量損失。
- Therefore, the management in tillering stage of the grass species wase the key factor for the effective use of the grass. 表明在利用這些草種的過(guò)程中應抓好分蘗期的管理工作,以達到充分利用其飼用價(jià)值的目的。
- There was significant difference between barley/broad bean intercropping and barley monocropping in barley tillering stage. 大麥/蠶豆間作在大麥分蘗期耗水量比大麥單作高,且存在顯著(zhù)差異。
- To spring wheat,high IAA/(ZR+Z) in tillering stage was benefit to tiller,and to winter wheat,low IAA/(ZR+Z) was benefit to tiller. 春性小麥分蘗初期較高的IAA/(ZR+Z)比值利于小麥分蘗發(fā)生;冬性小麥分蘗初期較低的IAA/(ZR+Z)比值利于小麥分蘗的發(fā)生.
- The roots was little effect to drought during tillering stage .but it was sensitive between the jointing stage and the flowering stage. 分蘗期干旱對根系生長(cháng)發(fā)育影響較小,拔節后直至抽穗開(kāi)花期根系對水分脅迫反應最為敏感;
- It suggests that re-watering after water stress in tillering stage has over-compensatory effects on root conformation and absorbing activity. 表明分蘗期脅迫后復水對水稻根系形態(tài)和吸收功能均具有超越補償效應。
- The results indicated that effects of cadmium and copper in soil on physiological properties and spectral reflectance of rice were the most significant at tillering stage. 結果表明,鎘和銅拌土生長(cháng)的水稻在分蘗期受到的影響最明顯,無(wú)論是在生理上還是在反射光譜方面變化都比較顯著(zhù)。
- The total hours of sunshine duration and the mean temperature during the tillering stage are the most importana meteorological factors for the effective panicle formation. 決定有效穗數的重要氣象因子是分蘗期的日照百分率和平均溫度。
- In general, total amount of K, Si uptake by plant increase with plant growing, the maximum content of potassium appeared at maximum tillering stage, the maximum content of silicon appeared at ripe stage. 通常植物吸收總鉀、總硅量隨著(zhù)植株生長(cháng)而增加,最大含鉀量出現于最大分蘗期,最大含硅量出現于成熟期。
- It was found that potassium uptake in seedling stage for late rice was higher than for early rice, the former occupied 7.5% of total K uptake, the latter only occupied 0.3%, the same situation was observed at maximum tillering stage. 已發(fā)現苗期晚稻吸鉀量高于早稻,晚稻占吸鉀總量的7.;5%25,早稻僅占0
- Application and Improvement of the Stage Grinding and Stage Dresses in Concentrator of Panzhihua Mining Co. 攀鋼礦業(yè)公司選礦廠(chǎng)階磨階選的應用與改進(jìn)。
- When Flevy came out on stage dressed like an old king, he brought down the house. 當呱呱打扮成一個(gè)老國王出現在舞臺上時(shí),觀(guān)眾們都熱烈鼓掌、放聲大笑。
- In the tiller stage, the nitrogen accumulation quantity of high nitrogen treatment was obviously higher than that of low nitrogen treatment, but it was reverce after the booting stage. 在同一施氮水平和施氮方式下,增施鉀肥有利于提高生育后期對氮的吸收。
- When our principal came out on stage dressed like a Santa Claus, he brought down the house. 當我們校長(cháng)裝扮成圣誕老人出現在舞臺上時(shí),臺下掌聲雷鳴。
- Plant samples above ground were taken respectively at seedling stage, maximum tillering stage, full heading stage and full ripe stage for N, P, K, Si content analysis carried out according to "routine analysis method for soil agro-chemistry". 在苗期、最大分蘗期、齊穗期和完熟期分別采取地上部分植株樣本,按照“土壤農化常規分析法”化驗氮、磷、鉀、硅含量。
- Her fans were thunderstruck when she appeared on stage dressed in nothing but feathers. 當她出現在舞臺上,身上只被羽毛覆蓋著(zhù)的時(shí)候,她的粉絲被雷到了。