- The defination of induced abortion has been complicated by a debate about when "life" can be said to begin. 人工流產(chǎn)的定義由于“生命”從何時(shí)算是開(kāi)始的爭論而復雜化了。
- Objective to observe the curative effect of compound fentanyl mixture in induced abortion and prevent the emergence of induced abortion syndrome. 目的觀(guān)察復方芬太尼合劑在無(wú)痛人流中的鎮痛療效,預防人流綜合癥的發(fā)生。
- The definition of induced abortion has been complicated by a debate about when "life" can be said to begin. 人工流產(chǎn)的定義由于“生命”從何時(shí)算是開(kāi)始的爭論而復雜化了。
- A method of induced abortion,prior to the 14th week of gestation the embryo and placenta are removed by applying suction to the dilated cervix. 一種人工流產(chǎn)方法,在懷孕十四個(gè)星期以前胎兒與胎盤(pán)分離。
- Conclusion:The history of induced abortion was one of important factors of dysmenorrhea which seriously damage the physiol... 該手術(shù)所產(chǎn)生的副作用可對女性生理健康造成嚴重傷害,必須引起全社會(huì )的高度關(guān)注。
- Conclusion:The history of induced abortion was one of important factors of dysmenorrhea which seriously damage the phys... 該手術(shù)所產(chǎn)生的副作用可對女性生理健康造成嚴重傷害,必須引起全社會(huì )的高度關(guān)注。
- Objective: To probe into the possible influencing factors of induced abortion among insular female to provide scientific basis for improving reproductive health of women. 目的:探討海島婦女人工流產(chǎn)的決定因素,為提高婦女生殖健康提供科學(xué)依據。
- We must not ignore the tide of popular opinion. 我們切不可忽視輿論的傾向。
- Conclusion: Propofol associates with fentanyl, tramadol or ketamine for the operation of induced abortion can get the satisfaction anaesthesia effect, in which small dose ketamine or tramadol complex propofol are better. 結論:異丙酚復合芬太尼、曲馬多或氯胺酮應用于人工流產(chǎn)手術(shù)均可獲滿(mǎn)意的麻醉效果,其中小劑量氯胺酮或曲馬多復合異丙酚值得推薦。
- Conclusion With good analgesic effect,uterus laxity,low probability of induced abortion syndrome and no more hemorrhage,disoprofol and nitrous oxide is good for painless induced abortion. 結論 異丙酚和笑氣用于人流均有良好效果,鎮痛作用強,有宮口松弛作用,可降低人工流產(chǎn)綜合征發(fā)生率,不增加陰道出血量。
- It was suggested that isopropylphenol plus phentanyl anaesthesia could alleviate the p erioperational and postoperational pain and the incidence of induced abortion sy ndrome in induced abortion. 提示應用異丙酚與芬太尼靜脈麻醉行人工流產(chǎn)術(shù)可減輕術(shù)中、術(shù)后疼痛,減少人流綜合征發(fā)生率。
- Conclusion: The migratory population is at the high risk, of induced abortion, for that some effect steps against high risk factors have to be brought forward and the management strengthened. 結論:流動(dòng)人口是人工流產(chǎn)人群中的高發(fā)人群,針對其高發(fā)風(fēng)險因素提出了相應的對策,重點(diǎn)加強管理。
- Methods Complications during labor for 268 women with a history of medication abortion, 623 women with a history of induced abortion, and 329 women in their first parities were collected and compared. 方法采用回顧性調查方法,對268例有藥物流產(chǎn)史的初孕婦女,623例有人工流產(chǎn)史及329例無(wú)流產(chǎn)史的初孕婦女進(jìn)行對照分析。
- The tide of public opinion seems to be turning against the government. 公眾輿論的趨向看來(lái)是轉向不利于政府的方向。
- The tide of her confidence ebbed. 她自信的潮水已開(kāi)始低落。
- The tide of the battle would turn. 作戰的風(fēng)向就會(huì )逆轉。
- She wanted to reverse the tide of Socialism. 她想改變社會(huì )主義的潮流。
- The tide of revolution is surging ahead. 革命的洪流奔騰向前。
- Ratio of induced abortion and live birth 人流活產(chǎn)比
- The raging tide of revolution surges forward. 革命怒潮洶涌澎湃。