- The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded. 破產(chǎn)的危險已經(jīng)減少了。
- I had a rude awakening when I found myself on the verge of bankruptcy. 我發(fā)現自己已到了破產(chǎn)邊緣時(shí)才猛然意識到事情不妙。
- We must not ignore the tide of popular opinion. 我們切不可忽視輿論的傾向。
- The recession has caused thousands of bankruptcy. 經(jīng)濟不景氣造成數千萬(wàn)的破產(chǎn)。
- The bank of bankruptcy is investigated by the court. 那家破產(chǎn)的銀行正被法院調查。
- He dissipated most of his money and was on the brink of bankruptcy. 他揮霍掉了大部分錢(qián)財,瀕于破產(chǎn)。
- The tide of public opinion seems to be turning against the government. 公眾輿論的趨向看來(lái)是轉向不利于政府的方向。
- The tide of her confidence ebbed. 她自信的潮水已開(kāi)始低落。
- The tide of the battle would turn. 作戰的風(fēng)向就會(huì )逆轉。
- The company is tottering on the edge of bankruptcy. 該公司瀕臨破產(chǎn)。
- She wanted to reverse the tide of Socialism. 她想改變社會(huì )主義的潮流。
- The tide of revolution is surging ahead. 革命的洪流奔騰向前。
- A few more days, and the company will be on the verge of bankruptcy. 再過(guò)幾天,這家公司就將瀕臨破產(chǎn)的邊緣。
- The raging tide of revolution surges forward. 革命怒潮洶涌澎湃。
- The omen of bankruptcy hung over the company. 那家公司出現了破產(chǎn)的預兆。
- The prospect of bankruptcy beetled over him. 破產(chǎn)的前景威脅著(zhù)他。
- A tide of rage surged through her. 一股怒火燃遍她的全身。
- The company is on the brink of bankruptcy. 該公司已瀕臨于破產(chǎn)的邊緣。
- His speech loosed a tide of nationalist sentiment. 他的講話(huà)表露出一種強烈的民族主義情緒。
- His incompetence has brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy. 他很無(wú)能,公司已因而瀕于破產(chǎn)。