- Two shots out of three hit the target. The third shot missed the target. 打三槍中兩槍?zhuān)谌龢寷](méi)有中。
- Tampa Bay finally hit Wang for a pair of runs on three hits in the fourth, taking a 2-1 lead. 魔鬼魚(yú)后來(lái)在第四局從小民手中敲出三支安打得到兩分;取得2-1的領(lǐng)先.
- Johnny Damon finished with three hits, four runs scored and two RBI. 大門(mén)今天有3支安打;跑回4分;2分打點(diǎn).
- The cipher took me three weeks before I hit it. 我費了3個(gè)多星期才把這密碼解釋出來(lái)。
- Karstens threw four shutout innings Monday for Class A Tampa, allowing three hits and one walk while striking out five. 小跟班在星期一坦帕的復健賽中,在四局的投球中,投出四次三振,一次保送和三支安打。
- He hit three bulls' eyes in succession. 他接連三次打中紅心。
- He hit the target three times without a miss. 他三發(fā)三中。
- Wang allowed only three hits, burying his sinker against the Tigers and getting one grounder after another. 小民以拿手的伸卡球對抗老虎隊,制造出一個(gè)又一個(gè)的滾地球出局,只讓對方擊出三支安打。
- Japan starter Matsuzaka Daisuke kept the Chinese Taipei bats at bay throughout the game, allowing just three hits. 在日本隊的先發(fā)投手松阪大輔的有效壓制下,中華隊只從他手中擊出三支零星的安打。
- We didn't want you to run out of mana in three hits, especially in a sustained dps fight. 答:我們的確并不想你在砍幾刀后就把魔力用得一點(diǎn)不剩,尤其考慮到某些需要持久作戰的情況。
- They should NOT be killable by a single Warrior in two to three hits during the duration of an Intercept stun. 它們不應該被一個(gè)戰士在攔截昏迷的幾秒內,砍2-3下就死了。
- By 1920, the rules mandating three hits per side and back-row attacks were instituted. 到1920年,每邊擊球不得超過(guò)三次和后排進(jìn)攻的規則設立。
- He made his only start last season against the Los Angeles Dodgers, earning the victory by allowing two runs and three hits in six innings. 他才開(kāi)始上反季節的洛杉磯道奇隊,贏(yíng)得了勝利,使兩線(xiàn)和三命中,在六個(gè)回合。
- His home run came in the seventh with the Dodgers shut out 3-0 and with only three hits on the board. Hits don't get much more important than that. 他在第七局當時(shí)三比零時(shí)打出全壘打,當時(shí)全隊才不過(guò)三支安打,再也沒(méi)有比這更重要的關(guān)鍵一擊。
- The last time The Rocket faced Detroit was last season with the Astros, when he lost, 4-0, despite allowing just three hits and one earned run over 6 1/3 innings. 老克上次面對老虎隊要追溯自去年他效力太空人隊時(shí),當時(shí)他投了6又3分支1局只被擊出3安打失了一分,最后4比0輸給老虎隊吞下敗投。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三個(gè)鐘點(diǎn)才回到家。
- Our family reunions are always three ring circus. 我家合家團聚的場(chǎng)面總是熱鬧非凡。
- The train arrived on the dot of three o'clock. 那輛火車(chē)三點(diǎn)鐘準時(shí)到達。
- Her family lives three li away from her school. 她家住在離學(xué)校有三里路的地方。
- We spied three figures in the distance. 我們望見(jiàn)遠處有三個(gè)人影兒。