- Was it possible that his belief structure, library of memories and psychological potentiality had been encrypted into a 16MB file hurtling through this thin cable in front of me? 它的信仰結構,記憶實(shí)驗室和心理潛能會(huì )不會(huì )都能編譯成這個(gè)16MB的文件,并用電腦反映出來(lái)呢?
- Digital microwave communications link the southern and northern parts of the region,and optical cable trunk lines link Urumqi with Xi'an,Lanzhou,Yining,Korgas checkpoint,Turpan,Korla,Ruoqiang and Mangya. 南北疆數字微波工程,西安經(jīng)蘭州、烏魯木齊、伊寧到霍爾果斯口岸的四條群干線(xiàn)光纜,烏魯木齊經(jīng)吐魯番、庫爾勒、若羌從茫崖出疆的第二出疆光纜,亞歐光纜。
- Digital microwave communications link the southern and northern parts of the region, and optical cable trunk lines link Urumqi with Xi'an, Lanzhou, Yining, Korgas checkpoint, Turpan, Korla, Ruoqiang and Mangya. 南北疆數字微波工程,西安經(jīng)蘭州、烏魯木齊、伊寧到霍爾果斯口岸的四條群干線(xiàn)光纜; 烏魯木齊經(jīng)吐魯番、庫爾勒、若羌從茫崖出疆的第二出疆光纜,亞歐光纜;
- I plant to provide you with the industry's most outstanding cable trunk lines, cable users (such as: the Model hollowed out knives to skin knife, crimping pliers, cable Baoxian, etc.) tools. 我廠(chǎng)為您提供業(yè)內最優(yōu)秀的有線(xiàn)電視主干電纜、用戶(hù)電纜(如:各型號掏空刀、去外皮刀、壓接鉗,電纜剝線(xiàn)器等)工具。
- The conducting wires in the cable trunking are disorder, many wires are bare. 線(xiàn)槽內導線(xiàn)敷設較亂,許多導線(xiàn)裸露;
- The Design of Cable Trunk Line System in Country 鄉村電纜干線(xiàn)系統的設計
- The Analysis and Design of Cable Trunk Targetin Cable TV System 有線(xiàn)電視光纜傳輸系統指標的分析與設計
- It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake. 在湖中薄冰上行走是很危險的。
- The Project on the Fibre Cable Trunk Modification of HFC Secondary Network HFC二級網(wǎng)光纜干線(xiàn)的改造
- He has very thin legs and knobbly knees. 他腿很細,膝蓋呈圓球狀凸起。
- That thin red line tipped with steel. 那根細細的紅線(xiàn)末端裝有鋼頭。
- They are building a submarine cable tunnel. 他們正在建設一條海底電纜隧道。
- He taped a nail in slowly to spilt the thin board. 他慢慢地把釘子釘進(jìn)這塊簿板,以防劈開(kāi)。
- Planning of Novell Local Networks with Thin Cables 細纜Novell局域網(wǎng)的規劃
- Cable television has been around for some time now. 有線(xiàn)電視面世已有些時(shí)日了。
- He remained loyal to me through thick and thin. 他歷盡艱辛始終都忠實(shí)於我。
- Although he is thin, he has good digestive power. 盡管他很瘦,他的消化能力挺好。
- The pond is coated with thin ice. 池塘上結了一層薄冰。
- The sheets have worn thin in the middle. 床單的中間部分磨薄了。