Shall I begin (ie take the first step or be the first to speak)? 我可以開(kāi)始說(shuō)了嗎[可以由我開(kāi)始嗎]?
If we are to abolish the death penalty, I shall like to see the first step take by my friend the murderer. 假使我們是要廢除死刑的話(huà),那我很想看看我的朋友——殺人兇手們——采取的第一步驟(是什么來(lái)著(zhù))。
I think the first step is to lift tariffs to increase trade. 我認為第一步是要廢除關(guān)稅以增加貿易額。
The meeting is seen as the first step towards greater unity between the parties. 這一會(huì )議可視為兩黨走向進(jìn)一步聯(lián)合的第一步。