Local resdients of the Miao ethnic group reaped and aired the glutinous rice in the harvest season, making a very appealing countryside autumn scenery. 廣西融水大苗山深處種植的單季糯稻,已經(jīng)到收獲季節,人們將成熟的糯稻剪下,并扎成禾把,曬干后收進(jìn)谷倉,構成了一幅幅獨特的收獲圖。
The Tusi system of Guangxi was a special political system and ethnic policy that Central government put into effect on minority nationality regions in Guangxi. 摘要廣西的土司制度是中原封建王朝對廣西少數民族所施行的一種特殊的政治制度和民族政策。