A week ago, Soros said the seizure in global credit markets caused by the subprime collapse will get worse before it gets better. 索羅斯在一周之前說(shuō),在轉機到來(lái)之前,次貸危機給全球信貸市場(chǎng)帶來(lái)的危機還會(huì )變得更嚴重。
As the credit crunch roils financial markets and the U.S. economy sputters, new college graduates are plunging into the rockiest job market in recent years. 貸危機害得整個(gè)金融市場(chǎng)焦頭爛額,美國經(jīng)濟也是步履艱難,而眼下又有新一屆畢業(yè)生即將投身這個(gè)就在不久前還熱火朝天的就業(yè)市場(chǎng)。