- They are simply holding space through their fields for the ascent of humankind. 他們只是通過(guò)他們的場(chǎng)為人類(lèi)提升掌握空間。
- A temporary holding location for messages that are waiting to enter the next stage of processing. 臨時(shí)存放等待進(jìn)入下一個(gè)處理階段的郵件的位置。
- Sea World has defended its use of a temporary holding pool to house several sharks at the Gold Coast theme park. 黃金海岸主題公園水上世界,已經(jīng)為幾頭鯊魚(yú)筑起了一個(gè)水池,作為它們暫時(shí)的家。
- Feeling the pod based flow whilst holding space for a conclave helped me to see that this was indeed possible. 感受到基于圓莢體的能量流同時(shí)為大師秘會(huì )維系空間的經(jīng)歷,幫助我看到這的確是有可能的。
- All who are ascending are to be congratulated for holding space for this shift, along with the release of all human warfare karma in the year past. 伴隨去年對所有人類(lèi)戰爭業(yè)力的釋放,為此變化而維系空間的提升萬(wàn)物都將被慶祝。
- They freely travel as spirit guides them wherever they are needed to hold space for Earth\'s ascension. 當靈體建議他們?yōu)榱说厍蛱嵘枰ツ承┑胤秸莆湛臻g,他們就自由地去旅行。
- It is through the act of synthesis that our channels are holding space at their annual Conclave for releasing all human karma for warfare. 正是透過(guò)合成練習,我們的通靈管道在年度秘會(huì )上維系空間以釋放人類(lèi)戰爭的所有業(yè)力。
- We honor each that chose to hold space for the release of human warfare karma this Conclave past, whether present at the event, or focused from afar. 我們尊重去年大師秘會(huì )上選擇去為釋放人類(lèi)戰爭把握空間的每一位,無(wú)論出現在活動(dòng)上,還是在遠處聚焦。
- Earth has transcended the karma inherent in how such geometry came to be, and utilizes her own thought-form to inverse it upon those holding space for such energy movement. 地球已經(jīng)超越了關(guān)于“這類(lèi)幾何學(xué)是如何生成的”的業(yè)力,并整合她自己的思想形態(tài)來(lái)反轉那些為這類(lèi)幾何學(xué)持有空間的人。
- BUFFER: Part of memory used to temporarily hold data for further processing. 緩存:用于臨時(shí)保存數據以備進(jìn)一步處理的存儲器的一部分。
- Now in the recovery of our records and in the coming18 year cycle, Lion will replace Dragonfly in the role of Peace Bearer and holding space for this particular sign in relation to the new universal astrological influences earth is embracing at this time. 現在于我們記錄的恢復中,未來(lái)18年,獅子將代替蜻蜓成為和平肩負者的角色,并為一特別征兆而維系空間,該征兆與地球此時(shí)正在融入的新宇宙星象的影響有關(guān)。
- Bush is also targeting a policy, derisively known as “catch and release.” It allows illegal immigrants from countries other than Mexico to be released after their arrest because of holding space. 這項方針規定,由于容納空間的限制,除了來(lái)自墨西哥的非法移民者,逮捕后均可獲得釋放。
- It contains internal buffers for temporarily holding this data until it can be sent on. 它包含了內部緩存設備,以便臨時(shí)存儲數據,直到該數據被轉發(fā)。
- There is a new song and melody available unto each that attunes unto the aurora.. We shall hold space for the new melody line to catch amongst ascending humans if you attune unto our species. 現在當接通到地心時(shí),每個(gè)人都可以得到一種新音樂(lè )與新旋律。我們將持有空間,讓新的旋律能在提升人類(lèi)中捕獲到,如果你接通到我們物種的話(huà)。
- The fastest memory is known as cache memory and is what it sounds like- memory that is used to temporarily hold,or cache,contents of the main memory. 最快的的存儲器是高速緩存,它被用來(lái)暫存主存中的內容。
- The fastest memory is known as cache memory and is what it sounds like- memory that is used to temporarily hold, or cache, contents of the main memory. 最快的的存儲器是高速緩存,它被用來(lái)暫存主存中的內容。
- Walrus much like elephant holds space and moves much energy in association with the regions that we exist due to our massive size and amount of body fat. 海象就象大象一樣,由于我們的大型尺寸和身體脂肪含量的緣故,在我們生活的地區中維系著(zhù)空間并移動(dòng)大量能量。
- Romantically, you have an excellent outlook for finding true love in 2009. Venus retrograde is temporarily holding things up. Do simple things this month. 愛(ài)情方面,2009年你有燦爛前景找到真愛(ài)。金星逆行只是暫時(shí)的阻撓一下。這個(gè)月享受簡(jiǎn)單生活吧。
- The fastest memory is known as cache memory and is what it sounds like - memory that is used to temporarily hold, or cache, contents of the main memory. 最快的的存儲器是高速緩存,它被用來(lái)暫存主存中的內容。
- She works in the office as a temporary. 她在辦公室做臨時(shí)雇員。