- Sanda athletes to enhance technical and tactical level. 以提高散打運動(dòng)員的技.;戰術(shù)水平
- In addition,many women's events start relatively late and their own technical and tactical levels need further improvement. 再加上好多女子項目又起步相對較晚,自身的技戰術(shù)水平有待進(jìn)一步提高。
- In addition, many women's events start relatively late and their own technical and tactical levels need further improvement. 再加上好多女子項目又起步相對較晚,自身的技戰術(shù)水平有待進(jìn)一步提高;
- This paper will discuss ways to weaken the bullwhip effect from the strategic and tactical level. 本文將從戰略層次和戰術(shù)層次來(lái)討論削弱牛鞭效應的方法。
- They are full of enthusiasm and they have complete technical and tactical thoughts. They are good at mobilizing the enthusiasm of the athletes. 一是因為他們足球知識面廣泛,富有激情,技戰術(shù)思 想全面,善于調動(dòng)隊員積極性。
- We should redesign corporation from strategic level and tactical level, that is value-chain reconstruction and business process reengineering. 這種重新設計要從戰略和戰術(shù)兩個(gè)層次進(jìn)行,即進(jìn)行價(jià)值鏈重構和業(yè)務(wù)流程再造,兩者相互構成一個(gè)有機的網(wǎng)絡(luò )和體系。
- As boxing needs a strong muscle power, the need to improve the technical and tactical So, boxing is the most complicated one of the sport. 由于拳擊需要肌肉的強大爆發(fā)力,需要完善的技術(shù)和戰術(shù),所以,拳擊是最復雜的競技運動(dòng)之一。
- Training in these highly difficult subjects greatly improved the technical and tactical skill and the psychological quality of Flying Leopard aviators. 通過(guò)這些高難科目的訓練,“飛豹”戰機飛行員的技戰術(shù)水平和心理素質(zhì)得到了大幅度提升。
- They did quite well both technically and tactically. 他們的技術(shù)和戰術(shù)水平發(fā)揮都很好。
- The technical and tactical trends and characteristics are put up in the world football championships to foreshadow the development direction of football in a certain extent. 世界杯足球賽是國際足壇最高級別的足球賽事,比賽中所展現出來(lái)的技戰術(shù)趨勢和打法特征在某種意義上預示了現代足球運動(dòng)的發(fā)展方向。
- Psychological Training and College athletics,ball games technical and tactical training combine to help form a team sport individual characteristics of the technological and tactical style. 心理訓練應與高校田徑、球類(lèi)運動(dòng)的技術(shù)、戰術(shù)訓練相結合,幫助運動(dòng)隊員形成具有個(gè)人特點(diǎn)的技、戰術(shù)風(fēng)格。
- Echolocation is a highly technical and interesting tactic. 回聲定位是一項具有高度技術(shù)性和趣味性的手段。
- Technical and tactical indicators 技戰術(shù)指標
- technical and tactical consciousness 技戰術(shù)意識
- technical and tactical characteristics 技戰術(shù)特點(diǎn)
- Terminology of Technical and Vocational Education. 技術(shù)與職業(yè)教育術(shù)語(yǔ)。
- OP.109 ishas technical and the title song. OP.;109是具有技術(shù)性和標題性的小曲。
- Both managers are so experienced technically and tactically and I'm sure it'll be a very tight contest. 兩邊的經(jīng)理都很有經(jīng)驗,很有智慧。我相信這將是場(chǎng)勢均力敵的比賽。
- Distinguishing features MP He's really improved on the skills side and technically and tactically he's much better. 優(yōu)點(diǎn)(麥克.;費蘭評語(yǔ)):他在技術(shù)上進(jìn)步很大,踢得也更聰明了。
- Managers who want to mastery conflict management method and tactic. 需要掌握沖突管理方法和策略的職業(yè)經(jīng)理人。