The extension of the tax credits is extremely important to the industry, as it helps builders get financing for the plants, added Metz. 他認為,稅收優(yōu)惠政策的延期對整個(gè)行業(yè)極端重要,因為這樣做可以幫助生產(chǎn)商獲得融資。
Combined with the extension of the biodiesel tax credit, and the implementation of the Bioenergy Program, the RFS2 could provide some much-needed market certainty for U. 生物柴油稅收優(yōu)惠措施的延期以及物柴油計劃和可再生燃料標準的實(shí)施能夠為美國生物柴油生產(chǎn)提供部分急需的市場(chǎng)確定性。