At present the Chinese revolution is taking the first step. 中國現時(shí)的革命,是在走第一步。
When we step to the new world, we are like a child toddling, fall over for the first step.But it doesn't mean to failure as we made the first step after all. 我們邁入新世界時(shí),像一個(gè)蹣跚學(xué)步的幼兒,剛走第一步就摔倒了,但這不是失敗,畢竟我們已經(jīng)邁出了這一步。
Of course it may take some time to eradicate such bad habits, but a start has been made anyway. 當然要根除這些陋習也許需要很長(cháng)的時(shí)間,但起碼我們已經(jīng)開(kāi)了一個(gè)頭。
Humans take on any form,shape, energy movement or flow necessary for the task, and it is not abouthaving two hands and legs and a head. 人類(lèi)以任何對于該任務(wù)必要的形體,輪廓,能量運動(dòng)或能量流的形象呈現,這不是都有兩只手和兩只腳和一個(gè)頭。