- This paper analyzes the goals of the JMS data management,focusing on the study of the management model of the system data and user data. 在分析JMS數據管理的目標的基礎上,重點(diǎn)研究了系統數據和用戶(hù)數據的管理模型。
- Finally a OLAF system for third party data management is created. 實(shí)現了在第三方物流企業(yè)中存儲管理海量數據的OLAP系統。
- Support the supply chain system data maintenance. 支持供應鏈系統數據的維護。
- PDM system is the short name of Enterprise Product Data Management system. PDM系統是企業(yè)產(chǎn)品數據管理系統(Enterprise Product Data Manager System)的簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)。
- Has no system data access or user data access. 沒(méi)有系統數據訪(fǎng)問(wèn)或用戶(hù)數據訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。
- It has catalog and data management tools. 由目錄和數據管理工具。
- Please wait while the system data is copied. 正在復制系統數據,請稍候。
- The method or function does not access system data. 方法或函數不訪(fǎng)問(wèn)系統數據。
- Monthly report and system data work . 月度生產(chǎn)報告和公司系統相關(guān)工作。
- The system can accomplish figure data management, attribute data management and spatial data analysis. 該系統是一個(gè)集圖形數據管理、屬性數據管理和空間數據分析為一體的管理信息系統。
- Generate analysis reports from system data according to sales management requirement. 根據管理層要求,進(jìn)行系統信息的加工何分析,產(chǎn)生各種管理報告。
- He has 15 years of experience in the data management field. 他在數據管理領(lǐng)域有15年的管理經(jīng)驗。
- Data management of a temperature sensor (electronic thermometer). 溫度感應器的數據管理(電子溫度表)。
- Good command of PPM and other system data statistics methods. 熟練掌握PPM等質(zhì)量數據統計方法;
- Recruiting data management and processing management. 招聘檔案數據和進(jìn)程管理。
- Only the administrator can configure system data sources. 只有管理員有權配置系統數據源。
- It is much more than information and data management. 它比信息和數據管理更廣.
- The functions of the database include data management and queries. 數據庫提供基因數據管理和查詢(xún)功能。
- The Virtual File System data structures are described in include/linux/fs. 虛擬文件系統數據結構在include/linux/fs。
- Pdf- Three structures and the module technology realize the staff data management system pdf. 三層結構及組件技術(shù)實(shí)現員工數據管理系統。