Before beginning any electrical repairs, turn off the power at your service panel, fuse box or breaker box. 在修理電器之前,關(guān)掉在嵌板,保險絲盒或開(kāi)關(guān)盒上的電源。
The basic British viewdata system uses an adapted TV set with a telephone connection and a remote control switch box that looks like a pocket calculator. 英國可視數據系統使用了能同電話(huà)連接的電視機和象袖珍計算器一樣的遙控開(kāi)關(guān)盒。
Solve the many users of the distribution box, decorated with panels embarrassment. 解決了眾多用戶(hù)有關(guān)配電箱面板與裝璜時(shí)尷尬。