- Suretyship of joint and several liability. 連帶責任保證。
- Unless the suretyship contract provides otherwise. 保證合同另有約定的,按照約定。
- The modes of guaranty as provided by this Law are suretyship, mortgage, pledge, lien and deposit. 本法規定的擔保方式為保證、抵押、質(zhì)押、留置和定金。
- If a suretyship contract does not contain all the particulars specified in the preceding paragraph, the particulars omitted may be added by amendment. 保證合同不完全具備前款規定內容的,可以補正。
- Suretyship contract would be null and void not only because of being null and void of the principal contract but also because of its own. 保證合同既可能因主合同無(wú)效而無(wú)效,亦可因自身的原因而無(wú)效。
- If a branch of an enterprise as a legal person has a power of attorney from the legal person, it may provide a suretyship within the scope of authority. 企業(yè)法人的分支機構有法人書(shū)面授權的,可以在授權范圍內提供保證。
- The suretyship is independent in some way, which is neglected to some extent by our theory and legislation which mainly focuses on its dependence on the principal contract. 我國民法理論和方法強調并突出了保證的從屬性和補充性,一定程度上忽視了其獨立性。
- If a branch of an enterprise as a legal person has p power of attorney from the legal person, it may provide a suretyship within the scope of authority. 企業(yè)法人的分支機構有法人書(shū)面授權的,可以在授權范圍內提供保證。
- However different from the traditional suretyship, Standby, or say guarantee with character of independence, is still within the scope of guarantee system. 盡管備用信用證,或稱(chēng)具有獨立性的擔保的出現是對傳統的擔保制度的一次重大突破,但卻沒(méi)有突破傳統擔保制度的極限。
- A surety and a creditor shall conclude a suretyship contract in writing. 第十三條保證人與債權人應當以書(shū)面形式訂立保證合同。
- Three factors will be evaluated carefully before any suretyship agreements is made: the character of the principal, the financial capacity of the principal, and the experience of the principal. 在簽訂任何保證保險合同之前都要仔細評估三個(gè)要素:被保證人的品質(zhì)、財務(wù)實(shí)力及其經(jīng)歷。
- These Rules do not apply to suretyship or conditional bonds or guarantees or other accessory undertaking under which the guarantor's duty to pay arises only on actual default by the principal. 本規則不適用于有條件的保證或者其他從屬性的承諾,在該承諾項下?lián)H藘H在被擔保人實(shí)際違約時(shí)才承擔付款義務(wù)。
- In order to overcome the clash between the term of suretyship and the limitation of actions, the modes of the exercise of the claim of debt suretyship should be restricted in the term... 債權人在保證期間內行使保證債務(wù)請求權的方式應受到限制,以克服保證期間與保證合同訴訟時(shí)效發(fā)生競合的理論沖突。
- In order to ensure the consistency of judicial adjudgement , it is of great theoretical and practical significance to define RLWL, improve the relevant legislation and specify suretyship liability . 因此,準確界定以貸還貸,完善相關(guān)立法以明確以貸還貸合同效力,準確確定不同情形下保證責任的具體承擔,使人民法院在處理以貸還貸案件時(shí)保持司法裁判一致性,具有重大的理論與實(shí)踐意義。
- The suretyship is independent in some ways, which, however, is neglected to some extent by our theory and legislation which mainly focus on its dependence on the principal contract. 我國民法理論和立法強調并突出了保證的從屬性和補充性,一定程度上忽視了其獨立性。
- In order to overcome the clash between the term of suretyship and the limitation of actions, the modes of the exercise of the claim of debt suretyship should be restricted in the term of suretyship. 債權人在保證期間內行使保證債務(wù)請求權的方式應受到限制,以克服保證期間與保證合同訴訟時(shí)效發(fā)生競合的理論沖突。
- Article13 A surety and a creditor shall conclude a suretyship contract in writing. 第十三條保證人與債權人應當以書(shū)面形式訂立保證合同。
- The surety, after his assumption of the suretyship liability, shall be entitled to recourse against the debtor. 第三十一條保證人承擔保證責任后,有權向債務(wù)人追償。
- The surety of a general suretyship or a suretyship of joint and several liability shall enjoy the debtor's right of defense. 第二十條一般保證和連帶責任保證的保證人享有債務(wù)人的抗辯權。
- Article 13 A surety and a creditor shall conclude a suretyship contract in writing. 第十三條保證人與債權人應當以書(shū)面形式訂立保證合同。