As a result,the short hole shrinkage method with flat bottom structure was employed to mine the stope firstly,then stoping ore pillar by medium length hole caving method. 后溝金礦采用平底結構淺孔留礦法先采礦房,后用中深孔崩落法回采礦柱,經(jīng)兩年多的生產(chǎn)實(shí)踐,取得較好的技術(shù)經(jīng)濟指標。
In open stopes the ground above the stope will support its own weight.So the stope is shaped like a series of rooms divided by walls or supported by pillars of ore. 空場(chǎng)回采工作面利用采場(chǎng)上方的巖層支撐自身的重量,所以采場(chǎng)被切割成一系列的由礦壁分隔或用礦柱支撐的峒室。
The support for the tent is rigid. 帳篷的支柱很堅固。
Manfully cling to the pillar of Patience. 男子般氣概的你會(huì )緊握忍耐的支柱。