- This huge howitzer has only one missile! Do I always have to keep the supply truck nearby? 這門(mén)巨型榴彈炮只有一發(fā)炮彈!我是不是要保證補給車(chē)輛在附近對它進(jìn)行持續補給?
- Cannon cannot be towed by supply trucks. 火炮不能被補給車(chē)牽引。
- Supply trucks transport ammunition and construction parts. 補給車(chē)運送彈藥和建設材料。
- Only medical supply trucks were granted safe passage through enemy territory. 只有運藥物的卡車(chē)允許安全通過(guò)敵方領(lǐng)土
- The orders HOLD FIRE and STAND GROUND can also be used for supply trucks. 禁止自動(dòng)射擊和堅守原地命令對于補給車(chē)也同樣有效。
- high-expansion foam supply truck 高倍數泡沫車(chē)
- Roads to Beichuan and Wenchuan, as well a half-dozen villages, were opened over the weekend, allowing caravans of supply trucks to begin moving aide. 通往北川,汶川,以及一些村莊的道路在周末已被打通,以便裝運物資的車(chē)隊能夠開(kāi)進(jìn)去提供幫助。
- Railways and airfields must be undamaged in order to be used by trains and planes. Use supply trucks or trains to repair damages on railways or airfields. 鐵路和飛機場(chǎng)必須保持完好以供火車(chē)和飛機使用。使用補給卡車(chē)或是火車(chē)修補損壞的鐵路或飛機場(chǎng)。
- The firm's tender for the supply of timber has been accepted. 那家商號的供應木材投標已被接受。
- Design of self-suction system of water supply truck for well cementing 固井供水車(chē)自吸系統的設計
- The road is reminiscent of the road from Baghdad to Falluja: littered with IED [improvised explosive devices) holes and the carcasses of burnt-out Nato supply trucks and containers. 這條路不禁讓人想起了巴格達到費盧杰的公路:路上有很多坑,都是拜一些簡(jiǎn)易爆炸物所賜,被焚燒的北約卡車(chē)、集裝箱以及物資像垃圾一樣躺在路邊。
- Our country has a bountiful supply of food. 我們國家有充足的食物供應。
- In addition, we supply small parts for replacement. 此外,我們還提供備用小零件。
- The supply ships travelled in convoy. 補給船結隊航行。
- How many calories can an ounce of sugar supply? 一盎司糖可以供給多少卡熱量?
- There was a liberal supply of drinks at the party. 那次宴會(huì )上有大量飲料供應。
- Our wood supply proved insufficient. 我們的木材供應證明是不夠的。
- The electricity failure paralyzed the water supply. 停電使水供應陷于癱瘓。
- How long will our food supply hold out? 我們的食物供應能維持多長(cháng)時(shí)間?