- The supply falls behind the demand. 供不應求。
- Now, our supply fall short of demand. 現在,我們的產(chǎn)品供不應求。
- Supply falls short of demand.; The supply does not meet the demand. 供不應求。
- In recent years,natural gypsum supply falls short of demand,price soars rapidly,its very large proportion is used to do set retarder of the cement. 目前天然石膏供不應求、價(jià)格飛漲,其很大比例是用做水泥緩凝劑。
- The company has gone into a decline because of falling demand. 由于市場(chǎng)需求下降,這家公司的生意每況愈下。
- Products of Carpet Factory of Suizhong County, Liaoning province, sell well in countries and regions such as the US, Japan, Belgium, etc., and supply falls short of demand. 遼寧省綏中縣地毯廠(chǎng)產(chǎn)品暢銷(xiāo)美國、日本、比利時(shí)等國家和地區,供不應求。
- As the main force of the International Dry Bulk fleet, capsize carrier supply falls even far behind of demand, the hire of this type ships increases unceasingly. 而作為國際大宗干散貨運輸最為主力的船型,好望角型船也出現了供不應求的情況,各種噸位的好望角型船日租金不斷攀升。
- Supply falls short of demand. 供不應求
- The company had go into a decline because of falling demand. 由於市場(chǎng)需求下降,這家公司的生意每況愈下。
- The BOSS karaoke Zan falling demand analysis and commoner career. 卡拉贊各BOSS掉落及其布衣職業(yè)需求分析。
- When a market falls below that level, producers start quitting, supply falls, and prices rise. 當市場(chǎng)跌到這個(gè)水平時(shí),生產(chǎn)商就會(huì )退出,供應減少,價(jià)格上漲。
- This year's Californian bee glut, then, has been caused by a mixture of rising supply meeting falling demand. 本年度加利福尼亞有如此多的蜜蜂,其原因是需求下降與供給上升的共同作用。
- The difficulty it has faced is disentangling whether the slowdown in lending to the private sector has been the result of falling demand or supply constraints imposed by banks. 現在歐洲央行面臨的困難在于,它必須弄清楚,私人部門(mén)貸款業(yè)務(wù)放緩是需求下降造成的,還是銀行采取限制供應措施的結果。
- One reason for the rapid fall was that retailers, faced with falling demand, ran down their stocks. 迅速下降的原因之一是零售商們迅速減少庫存應對下降的需求。
- The supply of vegetables falls short of demand this year. 今年蔬菜供不應求。
- General Motors is promoting its latest models in face of falling demand in European markets. 面臨歐洲市場(chǎng)需求的下降,通用汽車(chē)公司正在推銷(xiāo)其最新的車(chē)型。
- Seventy men at the factory were redundant because of falling demand for our products. 由于對我們產(chǎn)品需求的減少, 工廠(chǎng)里有70人被辭退了。
- He says the benefits from lower fuel prices are overshuttled overshadowed by falling demand and plummeting revenues. 他說(shuō)大幅下降的需求和下滑的收入遠遠高于從低燃油價(jià)中獲得的利益。
- Agriculture Minister Jean Glavany says falling demand for beef (2) has created a crisis in French farm industry. 農業(yè)部長(cháng)格拉瓦尼表示牛肉需求的持續下降使法國農業(yè)陷入危機。
- The fear is that a lack of credit and falling demand could cause the a deepworld wide recision, worldwide recession. 恐懼因信貸缺失和正在下降的消費需求會(huì )導致一場(chǎng)深層次的波及全球的經(jīng)濟倒退。