I have consulted an attorney who will file criminal charges as well as a civil lawsuit grounded in assault and battery, not to mention a request for the police to arrest you. 我已經(jīng)咨詢(xún)了律師,屆時(shí)他會(huì )以毆打為由對你正式提起刑事訴訟并附帶民事訴訟,當然請求對你的逮捕也是不可避免的。
Because of unsoundness of interrelated legal institutions, the compensation for mental distress is a blank spot in civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings in practice. 實(shí)踐中,由于相關(guān)的法律制度不健全,刑事附帶民事訴訟中的精神損害賠償還是一塊空白。