- He do not throw much fresh light on the subject. 關(guān)于這個(gè)問(wèn)題他沒(méi)有提供很多新的見(jiàn)解。
- Light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject. 插科打諢討論問(wèn)題時(shí)持有輕松、戲弄的態(tài)度
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 強盜們對我們加以各種侮辱。
- He posed as an authority on that subject. 他以那個(gè)問(wèn)題的權威自居。
- Street lighting was dimmed out during the war. 戰時(shí)街道照明實(shí)行半燈火管制。
- I have no pretence to be an expert on the subject. 我并不自命是這方面的專(zhuān)家。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他對社會(huì )制度的問(wèn)題保持沉默。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 這是有關(guān)這個(gè)問(wèn)題的權威著(zhù)作之一。
- Sex is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. 現在不再像過(guò)去那樣把性的問(wèn)題視為禁區。
- I wish I could be a master of this subject. 但愿我能精通這門(mén)學(xué)科就好了。
- That's all there is to be said on the subject. 關(guān)于這問(wèn)題,要說(shuō)的就這么多。
- His book is the best on the subject after mine. 他的書(shū)對這一問(wèn)題的論述是最好的,僅次于我的書(shū)。
- Subtle lighting helps people relax. 光線(xiàn)暗淡有助於人們松弛精神。
- He yapped on the subject for hours. 他就那個(gè)問(wèn)題羅嗦了好幾個(gè)鐘頭。
- The area is subject to devastating seasonal winds. 這個(gè)地區常遭破壞性季風(fēng)的襲擊。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我們須遵守當地的法律。
- The price is subject to our confirmation. 所有價(jià)格經(jīng)我們確認后有效。
- I feel unqualified to speak on the subject. 我自覺(jué)無(wú)資格就此問(wèn)題發(fā)言。
- The subject remains untouched upon. 這個(gè)題目仍然沒(méi)有觸及。
- In the coming months electric lighting will be further extended. 在以后幾個(gè)月中將有更多住戶(hù)用上電燈。