- The school will strictly enforce the dress code. 該學(xué)校將嚴格實(shí)施著(zhù)裝規定。
- Now it is time we set to and strictly enforce discipline. 過(guò)去只是糾纏在口頭上,現在要認真去做,紀律不好就要整頓。
- Strictly enforce the ban on reactionary secret societies. 認真貫徹取締會(huì )道門(mén)。
- The police must strictly enforce the rule [that no one should drink and drive]. 警方必須嚴格執行任何人都不應酒后駕車(chē)的這條規定。
- The prohibition against smoking on school grounds is strictly enforced. 校園內嚴禁吸煙。
- We must strictly enforce the factory rules and allow no one to use public office for private gain. 一定要嚴肅廠(chǎng)紀,不能假公濟私。
- Longer-term, the ruling could mean that China has to more strictly enforce intellectual property rights laws. 中長(cháng)期來(lái)看,這一裁決可能意味著(zhù)中國需要更嚴格地執行知識產(chǎn)權法。
- Courts do not always strictly enforce the requirement that the plaintiff exhaust administrative remedies before seeking judicial review. 法院并非總是嚴格執行原告在尋求司法復審之前須用盡行政補救辦法的要求。
- We should improve the formulation of institutions and laws, strictly enforce the law and gradually bring market management under a system of laws and standards. 加強制度和法制建設,嚴格執法,逐步把市場(chǎng)管理納入法制化、規范化軌道。
- The linked exchange rate will remain,and we will strictly enforce the provisions of the Basic Law that no foreign exchange control shall be applied in Hong Kong. 聯(lián)系匯率制度,不會(huì )改變。同時(shí)我們將嚴格執行《基本法》規定,香港特別行政區不會(huì )實(shí)行外匯管制。
- We should improve the formulation of institutions and laws,strictly enforce the law and gradually bring market management under a system of laws and standards. 加強制度和法制建設,嚴格執法,逐步把市場(chǎng)管理納入法制化、規范化軌道。
- These laws have been strictly enforced for the past decades. 幾十年來(lái),這些法律規定得到嚴格遵守。
- Second, we must strictly enforce our industrial policies especially in the development of infrastructure and in the approval of market access to enterprises. 第二,要嚴格執行產(chǎn)業(yè)政策,特別是建設項目和企業(yè)準入制度。
- The linked exchange rate will remain, and we will strictly enforce the provisions of the Basic Law that no foreign exchange control shall be applied in Hong Kong. 聯(lián)系匯率制度,不會(huì )改變。同時(shí)我們將嚴格執行《基本法》規定,香港特別行政區不會(huì )實(shí)行外匯管制。
- Third,economic and financial discipline must be strictly enforced. 三要嚴肅財經(jīng)紀律。
- The experience of some mature economies shows that the most effective way to reduce waste and conserve natural resources is to strictly enforce the "polluter pays" principle. 一些成熟經(jīng)濟體系的經(jīng)驗顯示,嚴格執行污染者自付的原則,是減少廢物、保育資源的最有效方法。
- Third, economic and financial discipline must be strictly enforced. 三要嚴肅財經(jīng)紀律。
- Comprehensive and departmental budgets need to be prepared to ensure that all departments have sufficient funds to perform their duties according to law and strictly enforce the law. 實(shí)行綜合財政預算和部門(mén)預算,保證各部門(mén)依法行政和嚴格執法的必要財政開(kāi)支。
- The linked exchange rate will remain,and we will strictly enforce the provisions of the Basic Law which stipulate that no foreign exchange control shall be applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 聯(lián)系匯率制度,不會(huì )改變。同時(shí)我們將嚴格執行《基本法》規定,香港特別行政區不會(huì )執行外匯管制。
- Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced. 今后凡借書(shū)逾期不還者,必將嚴格按章處罰。