- These quantities are called stress resultant. 這些量叫做合應力。
- With plane culvert example, strain and stress results of modal’s key position measured. 以蓋板涵為例,測出模型關(guān)鍵部位的應變、應力結果。
- Bank stress test result leaked (TRN)Turner Radio Network out with a shocker on what they claim are the leaked Stress results. 銀行壓力測試結果泄露( TRN )特納廣播網(wǎng),與異他們所聲稱(chēng)的泄漏壓力的結果。
- In addition, there is notable increase in porosity compare with tiny change of yield stress results from the shorter sintering time of the PCH process. 孔隙率明顯的變化和屈服強度微小的變化說(shuō)明PCH過(guò)程中保溫時(shí)間對孔隙率的影響要大于其對屈服強度的影響,這也證明了PCH能在短時(shí)內燒結得出性能較好的多孔材料。
- The stress result conformed to the extreme value distribution, and it also manifested the randomicity of the stress produced by the wind load of tower under wind and ice storms. 得到的應力結果符合極值分布,同時(shí)也體現了塔設備在暴風(fēng)雪下風(fēng)載荷產(chǎn)生的應力的隨機性。
- Located between circulating blood and vessel wall, vascular endothelial cells (ECs) ate constantly exposed to shear stress resulting from blood flow. 摘要血管內皮位于血管壁和血液的界面,直接與血流接觸而持續受血流剪切力的作用。
- Located between circulating blood and vessel wall, vascular endothelial cells (ECs) are constantly exposed to shear stress resulting from blood flow. 血管內皮位于血管壁和血液的界面,直接與血流接觸而持續受血流剪切力的作用。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 緊張可能是這許多優(yōu)秀選手失敗的原因。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"這一字里,重音在第一個(gè)音節上。,在"mother"這一字里,重音在第一個(gè)音節上。
- The alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is that alkali ions from cement orenvironment react with reactive constituents of aggregates to form expansivematerials that produce expansive stress resulting in expansion or cracking of concretestructures. 堿-集料反應(Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, AAR)是指混凝土中的堿與集料中的堿活性成分發(fā)生化學(xué)反應,生成膨脹物質(zhì)使混凝土內部產(chǎn)生自膨脹應力,造成混凝土開(kāi)裂破壞,從而大大縮短混凝土建筑物的使用壽命,預防和抑制堿-集料反應是國內外混凝土界研究的重要領(lǐng)域之一。
- The principal stress resulting from the change of centrifugal inertial force is South North and East West oriented,and the magnitude of the stress may reach to tens to several hundreds MPa. 離心慣性力變化引起的應力其主方向為SN向和EW向,應力的大小隨著(zhù)地球自轉角速度的持續增加而積累,其量級可能達到幾十到幾百兆帕或更大。
- Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration. 緊張和疲勞常使人精神不集中。
- He reverted to smoking when under stress. 他因受到壓力又恢復了吸煙的習慣。
- We led a hard life in times of stress. 在困難時(shí)期我們過(guò)著(zhù)艱苦的生活。
- The cure for stress lies in learning to relax. 消除緊張的方法在于學(xué)會(huì )放松。
- The detective laid great stress on details. 偵探特別強調細節。
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大風(fēng)作用于該建筑物上而產(chǎn)生巨大的應力。
- Lay heavy stress on law and order. 主要重點(diǎn)放在法律和秩序上。
- In "under", the main stress is on "un". 在“under”這個(gè)詞中,重讀音節在“un”上。
- Many people believe that overweight results from overeating and stress. 很多人認為肥胖超重是因為吃得過(guò)多和壓力造成的。