- The first order autoregressive filter and the model of second differencing of the force are investigated.A feasible monitoring strategy of force ratio and tool wear model are presented. 文中對一階自回歸及二階差分方法進(jìn)行了分析與實(shí)驗驗證,并提出了 一種簡(jiǎn)單實(shí)用的力比方法及銑刀磨損監測模型。
- A pinch single; a pinch steal of second base. 替捕的一壘安打; 第二壘替補偷擊
- In the afternoon a second strike was flown off. 下午又飛出第二批轟炸機群。
- In the afternoon the bombers made a second strike. 下午,第二次空襲開(kāi)始了。
- He blasted a homerun in his second strike. 他在第二次擊球時(shí),打出了一記本壘打。
- To test for tightness of second check Valve. 檢測第二止回閥的密封性。
- High Speed Machining Strategy of a Blow Mould. 飲料瓶吹塑模鑲塊的高速加工策略。
- Liver of second of anaemic meeting accentuation? 貧血會(huì )加重乙肝嗎?
- The Narrative Strategy of Jin Yong's Nov. 金庸小說(shuō)的敘事策略;
- Lessens the number of second party audits. 減少第2聚會(huì )審計的數字。
- The National Security Strategy of the US. 美國國家安全報告。
- He can switch from being nice to nasty in a couple of seconds. 他可以在幾秒鐘內從一個(gè)很和藹的人變成一個(gè)很討厭的人。
- Study Management Strategy of Qiong Yao'. 瓊瑤作品暢銷(xiāo)策略研究;
- Market strategy of Xuzhou Haipeng Tire Co., Ltd. 規范市場(chǎng)和品牌經(jīng)營(yíng)是營(yíng)銷(xiāo)戰略的核心。
- The Development Strategy of China Bonds Market II. 中國債券市場(chǎng)發(fā)展戰略2。
- The Strategy of the Commercial Corporation. 商業(yè)企業(yè)的戰略。
- The government adopted a strategy of massive deflation. 政府采取了大規模緊縮通貨的策略。
- Is antigen of second liver surface electropositive what meaning? 乙肝表面抗原陽(yáng)性什么意思?
- The Knights lost a second strike against the Gould railroads in 1886, and its membership declined rapidly in the late 1880s. 1886年在反對古爾德鐵路公司的第二次罷工中騎士團失敗。 到了80年代末其會(huì )員數迅速減少。
- Our team leader of second troop. Pil-Seung! This is Gong Ji Cheol. 我們第二小隊的隊長(cháng)。必勝??!我是孔地哲。