- Corporate Governance is the strategic response to risk and Crisis Leadership is your strategic reserve. 企業(yè)管控是對風(fēng)險的戰略響應,危機領(lǐng)導力是企業(yè)的戰略?xún)洹?/li>
- Dean. 1999. Institutional pressures, strategic responses, and foreign subsidiary performance. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago. 本文宣讀于美國管理學(xué)學(xué)會(huì )1999年年會(huì )。
- It highlighted the ambitious program undertaken simultaneously for comprehensive modernization of the IPOs to complement the legislative measures taken, as a strategic response to the present knowledge-based economy. 它強調了同時(shí)進(jìn)行的使知識產(chǎn)權局全面現代化的宏偉計劃,以補充已采取的立法措施,作為對當今知識經(jīng)濟的戰略應對措施。
- I disavow all responsibility for you. 我不承認對你有任何責任。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球戰略平衡和穩定。
- He's abdicated all responsibility in the affair. 他已經(jīng)放棄了這件事中的一切職責。
- A strategic attack aimed at the enemy's jugular. 以敵人要害為目標的一次戰略性進(jìn)攻
- I despise his refusing to accept responsibility. 他拒不承擔責任,我鄙視他。
- I think freedom does imply responsibility. 我認為自由一定包含著(zhù)責任。
- The employer disclaimed all responsibility for the fire accident. 老板否認對那次火災事故負有任何責任。
- They accepted responsibility for the accident. 他們承認了對這次事故所負的責任。
- She undertook responsibility for the changes. 她承擔了這些變革的責任。
- I haven't as much responsibility as before. 我不再擔負過(guò)去那樣多的責任了。
- I'll bear full responsibility for the consequences. 我將對后果承擔全部責任。
- The country built up a stockpile of strategic metals. 該國建立了戰略性金屬材料貯備。
- Keeping house is my responsibility. 管家是我的事。
- Freedom does not necessarily imply responsibility. 自由不一定包含著(zhù)責任。
- It's my responsibility to lock the doors. 我負責鎖門(mén)。
- I'd like to be quit of the responsibility. 我很想擺脫這個(gè)責任。
- He is completely lacking in responsibility. 他完全沒(méi)有責任感。