- What a tribute to his ability not to flinch in the face of storm and stress! 這真是對他那面對暴風(fēng)驟雨毫不畏縮的本領(lǐng)的大表?yè)P!
- We can no longer endure the buffetings or fate, the storm and stress of life. 我們再也無(wú)法忍受命運的沖擊和生活的劇變。
- The age of brisk amorousness had given way to that of storm and stress. 活潑多情的時(shí)代已讓位于動(dòng)亂的時(shí)代。
- We can no longer endure the buffetings or fate,the storm and stress of life. 我們再也無(wú)法忍受命運的沖擊和生活的劇變。
- Sociologist thinks, the blame on the history is moralistic the times that often appears in social structure the storm and stress. 社會(huì )學(xué)家認為,歷史上的非道德主義往往出現在社會(huì )結構大動(dòng)蕩的時(shí)代。
- The late Qing Dynasty and the early years of the Republic of China witnessed great social changes, storm and stress, and personnel reorganization. 摘要清末民初內憂(yōu)外患,社會(huì )大變革、大動(dòng)蕩和人員大改組。
- The Expressionist movement revived a new and emancipated human nature, and its literary subjectivity echoes the human nature and love advocated by the Storm and Stress movement. 表現主義運動(dòng)復活了一種新的、解放的人性,其文藝的“主觀(guān)性”原則體現了“狂飆突進(jìn)時(shí)期”的人性和博愛(ài)內容。
- Parents who can perceive the difference between important issues and trivial ones will be able to guide their children through the teen years with far less storm and stress than they ever expected possible. 能夠看清重要事情和細微小事之區別的父母,就能在比他們料想的更少的風(fēng)暴和緊張中,引導孩子度過(guò)青春期。
- We were caught in the storm and got drenched. 我們遇上大雨全都被澆透了。
- The storm and stress is coming. 風(fēng)暴雨即將來(lái)臨。
- Over the past hundred-odd years, the Chinese people have gone through storm and stress, and in the course of vigorous struggle they have accomplished a great historic transformation. 在過(guò)去的一百多年間,中國人民歷經(jīng)滄桑,在奮起斗爭的過(guò)程中進(jìn)行了偉大的歷史變革。
- We lost our companions amid the storm and the darkness. 在暴風(fēng)雨和黑暗中,我們失去了伙伴。
- never waver in the storm and stress of struggle 風(fēng)吹浪打不動(dòng)搖
- a time of turmoil; a time of storm and stress 動(dòng)亂時(shí)期
- Here was the whole world in storm and flux. 全世界正處于風(fēng)雨飄搖中。
- I could prevent this storm and shun thy wrack! 我就能預防亂子,逃脫危亡的厄運!
- Strain rate and stress are nonlinearly related. 應變速率和應力呈非線(xiàn)性關(guān)系。
- Through a storm and through a lonely night. 在一個(gè)暴風(fēng)驟雨的孤獨的夜晚.
- Many people believe that overweight results from overeating and stress. 很多人認為肥胖超重是因為吃得過(guò)多和壓力造成的。
- Try meditation for relaxation and stress reduction. 試著(zhù)用冥思來(lái)放松、減輕壓力。