- As a method of grain stock in the countryside,charitable granary's basic function is to store up grain against famine. 社倉作為民間的糧食儲備方式,其基本功能在于積谷備荒。
- store up grain against natural disasters 儲糧備荒
- store up grain against a lean year 積谷防荒
- The peasants store up the grain against famine. 農民們貯糧備荒。
- Rear sons for help in old age;and store up grains against famine 養兒防老
- Accumulating gold is not as storing up grain. 堆金不如積谷。
- They are storing up grain for the winter. 他們正在儲備過(guò)冬吃的糧食。
- The detection of grain situation is important to store up grain with high quality, which mainly includes temperature.Humidity moisture content and density of worms and insets,etc. 糧情檢測是糧食保質(zhì)存放的重要環(huán)節,主要包括糧食的溫度檢測、濕度檢測、水分檢測及蟲(chóng)密度檢測等。
- The villagers are storing up grain, making preparations for the coming winter. 村民們正在存糧,準備過(guò)冬。
- store up grain; build up supplies of grain 儲備糧食
- Ants store up food against the winter. 螞蟻儲存食物以防冬令。
- All civilization ought to be aroused against war. 應喚起整個(gè)文明世界來(lái)反對戰爭。
- On the Storing up Grain at Natural Low-temperature 糧食自然低溫儲藏
- to hoard up or stockpile grains; to store up grains 屯糧
- The drift of opinion was against war. 輿論的趨勢是反對戰爭。
- In expectation of war, many people like to store up food. 預期戰爭將至,許多人囤積食品。
- There are very few but are against war. 很少人不反對戰爭。
- We are all for peace and against war. 我們都期望和平反對戰爭。
- In expectation of war,many people like to store up food. 預期戰爭將至,許多人囤積食品。
- We are for peace and against war. 我們贊成和平,反對戰爭。