- Obstacles to agreement still exist. 達成協(xié)議還存在障礙。
- Some reactionary forces still exist nowadays. 當今仍存在著(zhù)一些反動(dòng)勢力。
- Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild. 這些野生的猴子已為數不多了。
- Two fragments of Hitler's skeleton still exist. 不過(guò),希特勒身上還有兩個(gè)部件留在世上。
- Such influences still exist even now. 即使今天,這種影響依然存在。
- Most of these problems still exist. 但大部分問(wèn)題仍然存在。
- Crime and poverty still exist in our big cities. 犯罪與貧窮仍發(fā)生在我們的大城市。
- Some old customs still exist in rural areas. 在農村地區,一些舊的風(fēng)俗習慣依然存在。
- However, bias and misunderstanding still exist. 然而,偏見(jiàn)與誤解仍然存在。
- Hegemonism and power politics still exist. 霸權主義和強權政治仍然存在。
- Factors of instability still exist in the Asia-Pacific region. 亞太地區仍存在不穩定的因素。
- Does primitive communal ownership still exist in our country? 現在是不是還有原始公社所有制呢?
- Therefore, remnants of this ideology still exist in the Red Army. 因此,紅軍中還有盲動(dòng)主義思想的殘余存在著(zhù)。
- Therefore,remnants of this ideology still exist in the Red Army. 因此,紅軍中還有盲動(dòng)主義思想的殘余存在著(zhù)。
- Some traces of this geometrical plan still exist to-day. 這個(gè)幾何平面圖至今還依稀可辨。
- Similarly, slave ownership and feudal ownership still exist. 我國也還有奴隸主所有制,也還有封建主所有制。
- Arabic paper manuscripts from the ninth century onward still exist. 從9世紀開(kāi)始的阿拉伯紙質(zhì)手稿至今依然存在。
- Right now some problems that need urgent solution still exist in the economy. 當前,國民經(jīng)濟運行中還存在著(zhù)一些亟待解決的問(wèn)題。
- A rich variety of dialects still exist throughout the country. 全國仍然存在著(zhù)各種各樣的方言。
- Because the Masai still exist today, living on reserves. 因為馬賽人現在依然存在