- Angle ratio of steering system 轉向系角傳動(dòng)比
- Investigate vehicle steering system interference issue. 調查車(chē)輛轉向系統干涉問(wèn)題。
- Different from general steering system,Audi dynamic steering tech can not only adjust the strength of steering,but also adust steering ratio continuously based on driving conditions. 與一般的轉向系統相比,奧迪動(dòng)態(tài)轉向系統不僅可以調節轉向力大小,同時(shí)還可根據駕駛情況對轉向系統的轉向比進(jìn)行無(wú)級調節。
- Small craft - Hydraulic steering systems. 液壓掌舵系統。
- Steering gear angle ratio characteristic 轉向器傳動(dòng)間隙特性
- At the heart of BMW′s Active Steering system is the planetary gear set incorporated into the steering column. bmw主動(dòng)轉向系統的核心是內置在方向盤(pán)傳動(dòng)軸上的一個(gè)行星裝置。
- Power steering system for Cherokee Jeep consists of a steering vane pump and power steering gear. 北京切諾基輕型越野汽車(chē)(Jeep cherokee)的動(dòng)力轉向裝置由葉片式轉向油泵和動(dòng)力轉向器組成。
- The basic working principle of Electric Power Steering System of electric bus was introduced. 摘要介紹了電動(dòng)客車(chē)電動(dòng)助力轉向系統的基本工作原理;
- Meanwhile the theoretical results show the principle of methods no difference between varing angle ratio and measuring growth of reserved trees in Perma-nent point samping . 理論推導同時(shí)表明,采用變角規斷面積系數方法與采用角規樣點(diǎn)保留木生長(cháng)量測算林分生長(cháng)量的機理在理論上是一致的。
- Control to power-assisted system is considered the basic control and it decides steering system performance. 助力控制是轉向系統的基本控制策略并決定轉向系統的助力性能。
- Mechanical steering system: And changes the transmission system by the diverter to be composed. 機械轉向系:由轉向器和轉向傳動(dòng)機構組成.
- Electric Power Steering System (EPS) is a device that provide assisted power for the driver. 電動(dòng)助力轉向系統(EPS)是一種通過(guò)電動(dòng)機為駕駛員提供轉向助力的裝置。
- This multi-pattern steering system has independent suspensions and each group of wheels can circumrotate separately. 采用獨立懸掛、各輪組獨立轉向的多模式轉向系統;
- Riding on four ball bearings, the steering system allows you to experience full control and extreme precision. 騎在四球軸承,轉向系統可讓您的經(jīng)驗,完全控制和極端的精度。
- They conducted their first rollover test in 1959. -In 1960, they patented the safety steering system. 他們在1959年進(jìn)行了首次翻滾試驗。-而在1960年,他們的安全轉向系統獲得專(zhuān)利。
- Power steering system: Changes the augmenter constitution by mechanical steering system Canada. 動(dòng)力轉向系:由機械轉向系加轉向加力裝置構成.
- In early 2000s, we got the sloe agent of ULTRAFLEX steering system in mainland of china. 本公司技術(shù)力量雄厚,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量?jì)?yōu)異,售后熱情周到。
- Plunger pump in the steering system bring fluid pulsation, there out bring pressure pulsation in subsequence system. 本文分析了某船舶操舵系統噪聲產(chǎn)生的原因及機理,進(jìn)行了降噪措施的理論研究。
- This in turn, meant the gearboxes, bulk heads, differentials and steering system were able to follow the same pattern. 這又反過(guò)來(lái),是指變速箱,批量元首,差別和轉向系統能夠遵循相同的模式。
- The heavy-duty steering system features a huge range of adjustments and standard features. 重型轉向系統的功能,一個(gè)巨大的一系列調整和規范功能。