- After irradiation, the steel will heve different tendency of embrittlement. 鋼材經(jīng)中子輻照后會(huì )產(chǎn)生不同程度的脆化傾向。
- The difficulty is the best helper for steeling will. 磨練意志最好的幫手是困難。
- He worries that the ring of steel will not deter attackers, but merely force them to change targets. 他擔心“鋼圈”無(wú)法真正制止襲擊者,僅是迫使他們尋找其他目標。
- The money made from selling the steel will be used to further reduce surplus stockpiles of weapons in the country. 賣(mài)鋼鐵的所得將用來(lái)更進(jìn)一步縮減這個(gè)國家過(guò)多的武器儲備.
- The flange of the welding-moulded H-model steel will definitely become bended and deformed during the welding and heating process. 焊接成型的H型鋼在焊接加熱工程中,翼板必然產(chǎn)生彎曲變形,該機型就是用于矯正翼緣板的專(zhuān)用設備,該機操作簡(jiǎn)便,
- Under the agreement, Shanxi Coking Coal Group, Wuhan Iron and Steel and Wuhan Iron and Steel will invest Fangchenggang coking projects. 根據協(xié)議,武鋼和山西焦煤集團將共同投資武鋼防城港焦化項目。
- Further more steel can be saved by horizontal H-sections than by vertical ones;besides the larger the space between the roof trusses, the much the steel will be saved. 其中平放H型鋼比豎放H型鋼更省,且屋架間距越大省鋼越多。
- STEPHEN EVANS: And President Bush has responded. There'll be tariff, so foreign steel will cost Americans up to 30% more when it's imported into the United States. 總統布什對此做出了回應。即將征收的關(guān)稅將使美國人從國外進(jìn)口的鋼材時(shí)所支出的費用比原價(jià)高出30%25。
- After proper heat treatment the steel will have a dual phase structure of austenite and bainite. arranged alternatively in the form of lath ferrite and thin film austenite. 經(jīng)適當熱處理,獲得貝氏體鐵素體板條與奧氏體薄膜交替排列的奧氏體-貝氏體雙相組織。
- Affected by this, such as Nippon Steel will raise the prices of steel products into nearly 4, which caused the cost of automotive and other industries increased significantly. 受此影響,新日鐵等將鋼材價(jià)格提高近4成,進(jìn)而造成汽車(chē)等眾多行業(yè)成本顯著(zhù)增加。
- The steel market will continue to be active. 鋼材市場(chǎng)將會(huì )繼續保持活躍。
- If Chinese buyers do no better than a 20% to 30% cut in spot and contract prices for these raw materials, Russian steel will still be better priced for Chinese importers. 如果中國方面原材料需求量和買(mǎi)賣(mài)合同總價(jià)格的減少量介于20%25到30%25之間,那么俄羅斯的鋼制品對中國進(jìn)口商而言將仍具吸引力。
- Here we are in the yard of the steel mill. 這兒就是不銹鋼廠(chǎng)的料場(chǎng)。
- On the outskirts they passed a steel mill. 他們在郊區從一家鋼鐵廠(chǎng)前面經(jīng)過(guò)。
- The concrete walls are reinforced with steel rods. 混凝土墻是用鋼筋加固的。
- Fetch me the steel tape from my drawer, will not you? 去把我抽屜里的鋼卷尺拿來(lái)好嗎?
- The entrapment of high oxide slags in the liquid steel will not only check the desulphurization behavior in the ladle refining but also greatly increase the oxide inclusions in steel. 高氧化性爐渣進(jìn)入鋼中,不但抑制鋼包精煉的脫S反應,而且大大增加了鋼中氧化物夾雜。
- He is in charge of the operation of the steel mill. 他負責這家鋼廠(chǎng)的經(jīng)營(yíng)工作。
- That thin red line tipped with steel. 那根細細的紅線(xiàn)末端裝有鋼頭。
- That boat is done with the steel plate. 那艘船是用鋼板做的。